Choosing Between Night And Day- Make Your Reality Your Own

Choosing between night and day may depend on your individual preferences and lifestyle. Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of both options to make an informed decision.
Choosing Between Night and Day
“There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
– William Shakespeare
The title of the exquisite Cole Porter song, “Night and Day,” aptly describes the unpredictable nature of my outlook on life.
For instance, late at night, I find myself overwhelmed by the myriad tasks awaiting me in the coming week—such as organizing book publishing details, preparing for workshops, completing handouts, drafting an audio recording script, making a call to my sister, and booking plane tickets to Chicago. The thought of managing each task, along with the associated phone calls, emails, internet searches, and follow-ups, leaves me feeling defeated, drained, self-absorbed, and powerless.
The following morning:
I rise before sunrise and savor a few deep breaths. As the light gradually illuminates the world around me, I take a moment to reflect and eagerly anticipate the day ahead. I plan to confirm the publication date for my book, embark on writing a new piece, organize a workshop, and perhaps enjoy a refreshing walk outdoors.
The very same circumstances that felt overwhelming, frightening, and insurmountable last night now loom before me in the light of day. I feel blessed, yet also cursed. Despite feeling well, I fear falling ill. Despite the promise of today, I dread inevitable failure.
My friend Alex and I have come to label these contrasting perspectives as the “Good Reality” and the “Bad Reality.” However, I aspire to inhabit a “Wonderful Reality”—one that is enchanting, nuanced, and brimming with potential. In this reality, life flows easily, with a touch of humor, accompanied by the warmth of the sun and the melody of birdsong. While challenges may arise, I feel capable of managing them. My energy is vibrant and adaptable.
However, there are times when I slip into the “Bad Reality,” where everything seems tough, dismal, and frustrating. I feel overwhelmed, inadequate, and powerless, with my spirit and strength nowhere to be found.
Do I perceive it as an impulse? I believe so. There is something achievable happening, and my perspective alters my experience. My questioning shapes it as such.
At times, I can navigate back to the “Wonderful Reality” on my own. I simply shift my thoughts, laugh at myself, or do both. If I find myself too fatigued to find my way back, I might take a nap or go out for a cup of tea. When I am kind to myself, the Good Reality continually returns.
In conclusion
I find myself experimenting with the different channels of reality, observing how my viewing angle can significantly alter the external world. It’s a contemplation of whether I must persist in either the Good or Bad Reality today, or if there’s a way to transcend these states. How far apart are these realities? In this moment, which reality am I inhabiting? And most intriguingly, can I traverse between them at will? It’s a fascinating exploration of the power of perception and the fluid nature of our experience.
I would love to hear your thoughts on these questions. It’s truly empowering to consider that I can change my reality simply by changing my thoughts. I’ve come to realize this, and I believe that part of my purpose in life is to share this gift with others.
I hope you are currently enjoying the Good Reality.
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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at to keep up with her.