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How To Take Control Of Your Thoughts-It’s Really Possible

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How To Take Control Of Your Thoughts-It’s Really Possible

How To Take Control Of Your Thoughts-It's Really Possible

Many people in today’s world are probably unaware that they can genuinely manage their ideas and the emotions that come with them. Personal development and the cognitive process, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly popular topics every day. This is due to all the information that is being pushed out into our minds and emotions. Within the personal development industry, there is a high demand for it.

How To Take Control Of Your Thoughts-It's Really Possible

Before delving into a more comprehensive exploration of thoughts and their dynamics, it’s crucial to establish a clear understanding of what thoughts actually are. Addressing several misconceptions about thought control is essential. Many individuals wrongly assume that their thoughts govern them entirely, and an unmanageable thought signifies an underlying disorder. However, this assumption is erroneous. It’s imperative to grasp the accurate factors behind uncontrollable thoughts and how to effectively manage them. This understanding not only elucidates the thought process but also illustrates how gaining control over your thoughts and associated emotions can pave the way for a happier life. This insight brings a sense of optimism to life’s journey.

The Content Beyond Thought Control

I believe there is a lot of stuff needed to think about articulating what it is and why it is significant. This is so that we can be happy and live the lives that we like. We must first acquire the necessary topic understanding when it comes to our entire existence.

Thoughts are spontaneous mental reflections that trigger contemplation. They constitute a conscious cognitive operation. When you attain the ability to govern your thought processes, your mental acuity heightens, leading to increased happiness and heightened awareness of life’s unpredictabilities. Positive thinking generates a positive disposition, consequently enhancing your sense of contentment. While not delving into extensive explanations, this revelation has led to the realization that we possess the capacity to govern our lives and influence the outcomes of our experiences.

Neurotransmitters, acting as chemical messengers, are discharged by neurons upon receiving electrical impulses, prompting a cascade of further communication. The brain, a highly astute component of the body, engages in this process. When neurons receive these electric stimuli, thoughts are conveyed from neurons to the conscious mind, thereby giving rise to a thought.

Thoughts also include data that is flowing through the mind. Because of these thoughts, we are compelled to act and live our lives. So, whether it’s a positive or negative thought, anything is possible when we stop and pay attention to what we’re thinking.

Consequently, thinking can be understood as the approach to fostering a content existence for oneself and others. Being mindful of your thoughts reduces the likelihood of grappling with mental ailments. This is because, in the face of negative thoughts, you assume command and reshape your thinking patterns. It all hinges on remaining vigilant.


The Thought Method- Thinking into Action

Contemplating and taking action to comprehend the mechanics of thoughts and their impact on our daily existence is a fundamental yet potent approach. It serves as a simple foundation that aids individuals burdened by negative thoughts in their transformation toward a more optimistic mindset, leading to more impactful results in life.

Taking Control of your thoughts equals living a life with many possibilities and success.

If you commit to the diligent effort of altering your mindset and nurturing a positive perspective through these steps, while also introspectively identifying the necessary actions for success, your life and your thought patterns will undergo a transformation, shaping both your identity and the course of your life. (Rest assured, change will begin to unfold.)

Firstly, how frequently do you experience uncontrollable negative thoughts in your daily life? This phenomenon is referred to as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or OCD for short, and it can stem from genetic factors, relationship challenges, the loss of a loved one, and various other causes. Achieving control over thoughts and fostering positivity can be accomplished through brain rewiring and proactive life engagement. One method to achieve this is by shifting your focus.

OCD is a widespread condition, impacting a quarter of the global population. When someone grapples with this mental health challenge, various aspects of their life may seem to veer off course. Nevertheless, once individuals acquire the skills to take action, remarkable possibilities emerge. Personally, I redirect my attention whenever negative thoughts surface as a method to attain success in life. The following is a series of initial action steps for those facing challenges with thought management.

It All Adds Up To Taking Care of Your Mental Health.

In my pursuit of thought control, I experimented with various techniques before achieving mindfulness and taking decisive action. I explored methods such as connecting mind and body, living in the present moment, engaging in meditation (which I continue to practice), shifting my focus, adopting deep breathing exercises, and incorporating yoga into my routine.

At the outset of my personal growth and positive thinking journey, I recognized that understanding the sources of my unhappiness and distress was paramount before embracing a positive mindset. These are essentially “barriers” in life that begin forming from early stages and influence our lifestyle. The duration of overcoming these roadblocks and transitioning into a more positive state can vary significantly, ranging from a few weeks to several years. The key factor lies in maintaining consistent efforts.

No matter the challenges you’ve faced, there’s a tendency to let your thoughts and actions dictate your life rather than the reverse. Without comprehending the nature of thoughts, their origins, and how to modify them, your life will remain stagnant. This encompasses taking chances and exploring new ventures, even if the possibility of failure exists. Regrettably, failing to take action can lead to a continuous cycle of attempting and falling short until a transformation transpires. The essence lies in proactive engagement.

In the end, it all boils down to taking action and nurturing the belief that you can cultivate a more positive mindset. It involves the transformation of negative thoughts into positive ones when they surface. It’s essential to clarify that having negative thoughts is natural (they cannot be eliminated entirely), but the key is to remain aware of them and have strategies in place to alter them when they arise.

The Recognition That Your Thoughts Are Connected to Your Emotions

It’s important to recognize that thoughts generate emotions when they occur. Emotions are, in fact, responses triggered by thoughts. In practical terms, this interplay can lead to greater stress than one might have initially anticipated. This awareness is crucial for enhancing your mental well-being.

Many people believe that their thoughts are influenced by their emotions. As a result, they can have certain thoughts but no emotions attached to them. This could not be further from the truth.

On the flip side, assuming that your emotions can dominate your thoughts (which can indeed happen in specific scenarios) can induce stress. It occurs due to past experiences, causing us to become emotional about something that hasn’t even transpired yet. For instance, you might find yourself teary-eyed without a clear cause, which can be attributed to emotional fatigue. Permitting your emotions to command your thoughts can jeopardize your mental well-being, which is something to be cautious about.

Therefore, while it might seem reasonable to believe that your emotions dictate your thoughts, maintaining this belief isn’t wise if you aspire to transform your thinking, particularly when your goal is to foster a more positive and joyful outlook on life.

The optimal approach is to assert control over your thoughts in order to regulate your emotions, particularly when they inspire you to become a better individual.

Recipe for Taking Charge of Your Thoughts

In order to transform your thoughts, it’s imperative to create an effective strategy. Continuously dwelling on negative thoughts without knowing how to alter them can be detrimental. To facilitate a happier life, I’ve formulated an approach for gaining command over your thoughts and finding happiness. I have confidence that these techniques can be beneficial for you, just as they have been for me.

1. Connect The Mind and Body- To exercise control over your thoughts, it’s essential to acknowledge your capacity for control. This acknowledgment entails recognizing your influence over your words, thoughts, and actions. Once you’ve achieved this awareness, the process of life transformation can commence.

2. Live In the Moment- In life, there’s a tendency to fixate on the future and what lies ahead. Instead, embrace the present moment and relish the journey. This practice fosters greater self-awareness, helping you discern your true self and the person you are meant to become.

3. MeditationLife often becomes so overwhelming that we forget the importance of relaxation, resulting in our thoughts becoming entangled and chaotic. Instead of succumbing to stress and emotional turbulence, why not give meditation a try? Meditation induces a profound state of relaxation, leaving you tranquil and composed. This occurs as deep relaxation renders your thoughts vague, suggesting their absence. However, it’s important to note that meditation is a skill that takes time to master, so patience is key in this practice.

Here’s a great meditation that will help you relax and calm the mind

“Meditation means connecting with our inner being.”

4. Changing Your Focus- Our minds are susceptible to both negative and positive thoughts, each evoking corresponding emotions. When you become adept at identifying your thoughts and their triggers, you can expedite the process of transforming them into a more positive outlook. Keep in mind that negative thoughts are an integral aspect of your life, contributing to your character development, and fostering a more positive perspective is attainable. Expressing gratitude and love towards those in your life can be one way to achieve this transformation.

5. Deep Breathing-Deep breathing involves taking deliberate, slow, and deep breaths. It leads you into a profound state of relaxation where you concentrate on your breath. This practice encourages your mind to decelerate, fostering a sense of tranquility instead of chaotic thoughts. Yoga serves as a prime example of an activity that incorporates deep breathing.

6. Get A Massage- Similar to meditation, a massage can effectively soothe both the body and mind. This is achieved by inducing a state of profound relaxation, which is why many individuals tend to drift into sleep during a massage – it’s that serene and calming.

Remember that you’re only human, and nobody is flawless. You can embark on self-improvement once you’ve mastered the art of controlling your thoughts.

Feel free to drop any questions about managing your thoughts in the comment section below. I have extensive experience in this area and would be delighted to help you.

Related: Utilize Your Thoughts’ Power- Unlock Your Potential

Harnessing The Power Of Thoughts And Visualization To Combat Negativity

20 Techniques For Developing Positive Thoughts- It’s Uplifting


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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit https://womansdailyneeds.com/ to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at https://facebook.com/womansdailyneeds to keep up with her.

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10 Responses

  1. Ann says:

    Once we are aware we are in control of our mental health, it empowers us to pay attention to our reactions. THere is so much exploration needed in this area that we can spend our whole life discovering new stuff. Now, when it comes to realizing we are responsible for our emotions, most never get to this realization.

  2. Jannette says:

    This was a great read about how to control our thoughts, and I agree with you there are lots of information that is being pushed to everyone. We need to understand each topic clearly before addressing the topic. I try to think positively about all situations that come my way. I am going to share this with my friends and family for them to enjoy reading as well. 

  3. Jerry McCoy says:

    Controlling your thoughts is a process that can take years to learn and apply effectively. There are several thoughts on what the best method is. I, personally, have found that before I go to bed at night if I take 20 or 30 minutes to read scripture or listen to a positive, affirming tape then I am more relaxed and ready for a good night’s sleep. I awaken refreshed and ready for the day. I take my first minutes of the day to be thankful and grateful for the day. I have found that my day is much more pleasant.

    The negative thoughts that were a part of my day, ALL DAY, have vanished and my day is positive and creative. Before it was ugly and destructive. We can change our thoughts by changing what we concentrate on. If you have negative energy surrounding you then you need to find a way to replace it with energy that is more positive and soothing to your mind.


    • Kiersti says:

      I couldn’t agree more. It took me a long time to understand the concept. I really like that idea. I actually use an affirmation app that goes off every hour to reaffirm myself of my thinking. It’s called the I am app. I highly recommend using it for sure. 

      I love that. It’s very true when you concentrate on negative then you get more negative. All one has to do is change it.

  4. Grace says:

    Hi Kiersti,

    Thanks for your inspiring post! It is so helpful to realize that thoughts lead to certain emotions and therefore we need to be in control of our thoughts. Meditation, being present, and being mindful of your thoughts are my go-to methods. Deep breathing and getting a massage are great suggestions that I can apply.

    Thanks again,


    • Kiersti says:

      You’re so welcome. I love your ideas on how to control thoughts. I love meditation and just letting go. They are very helpful and do much for the soul. Thanks so much for reading. 

  5. Theresa says:

    I needed to read this right now! I suffer from a lot of negative thinking and have been working to change that for a while now. It’s still a struggle, but I am learning that I have more power over it than I ever realized before. On another note, have you heard of “toxic positivity?” It’s the idea that being too positive and always acting like nothing is ever wrong can become toxic to your life. I recently heard about that, but I’m not really sure if I agree or not. Thinking about it!

    • Kiersti says:

      You are so welcome. I have not I would love to look into it. It sounds very familiar though. Thanks for commenting. 

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