The Three Forces That Will Make You Happy And Healthy: Stop, Give Up, And Make A Decision
Discover the three forces that can help you lead a happy and healthy life. Explore how you can integrate them into your daily routine to create a positive and fulfilling lifestyle.
The Three Forces That Will Make You Happy and Healthy
It was during the formative years of my youth, at the age of seventeen, that I stumbled upon the key to maintaining good health. It happened while I was embarking on my first assignment as a student. This experience imparted a profound lesson—one that would stay with me for years to come. It taught me the vital importance of pausing, of taking a moment to step back and breathe amidst life’s hustle and bustle. This simple yet profound realization became the cornerstone of my approach to health and well-being.
For my first real lesson, my teacher assigned me to the health department. As we ascended to an altitude of about a thousand feet, I felt a wave of intense anxiety wash over me. Sensing my unease, Wally, my instructor, unexpectedly reassured me, saying, “The plane is designed to fly on its own, Arron. Relax. Trust the process.”
For the first time in a long while, I experienced a moment of genuine self-awareness, realizing that I was truly being myself. As I firmly gripped the controls, I felt tension building up inside me, manifesting in the clenching of my teeth and the beginnings of self-sabotaging thoughts. It was only when Wally intervened and instructed me to pause that I became fully aware of my actions.
After the pause, you return home to your country of origin. This return aligns you with the natural rhythm and flow of life, which seems to create itself effortlessly. You use gentle touches at the controls to adjust the tension and navigate challenges. This harmonious dance between you and daily life nurtures a spiritual flight, allowing you to soar to new heights of existence.
Here’s how to make use of the pause: Simply pause and observe your surroundings. Sometimes, all you need is a deep breath to rejuvenate yourself. Take the opportunity to learn as much as you can about the world and the place you currently inhabit. Stay mindful of your environment and recognize yourself as an integral part of it. Hold on to this newfound perspective for as long as possible.
The Authority to Yield
Picture a man climbing a steep mountain along a narrow path. Suddenly, a small boulder comes tumbling toward him. Startled, he reaches out with both hands and manages to stop the boulder in its tracks. Though shaken, he continues on his journey. As he encounters more boulders rolling toward him, he repeats this action. However, when faced with the third boulder, a new, more enlightened idea dawns on him. Instead of trying to stop it, he swiftly steps aside at the last moment. He shouts out in triumph as the boulder passes by without hindrance.
This is how we can deal with rude and aggressive individuals. They often seek confrontation, and by refusing to engage in their provocation, we deny them the battle they seek, causing them to lose momentum and ultimately fail. It’s remarkable how powerless tough individuals become when you knowingly relinquish the advantage to them, as they are typically so prepared for conflict.
Most importantly, YIELD is a method for resolving mental conflicts and emotional wounds that frequently exist at a subconscious level. You are the serene spark of awareness that observes the commotion without engaging with it, controlling it, or wishing it would go away. Release the need to control or manage such individuals. Instead, seek to understand the situation more deeply. Allow them to act as they see fit and move in the direction they choose.
The issue lies not in the idea itself, but in our perception of the idea, as expressed by novelist Vernon Howard. Mental acrobatics cannot alleviate deep-seated pains. It is not the cleverness of ideas but the illumination they bring that heals us. The spirit possesses a clear direction and purpose. No mistake, misstep, or sorrow is insurmountable for it. When allowed to operate freely, life, with a capital “L,” has a remarkable ability to continue.
The Right to Decide
Choosing means rejecting the ropes extended to you from various directions. People often offer flimsy ropes through their words and brief comments. Television, too, acts as a large mechanism for throwing ropes. However, the power wielded by each of these individuals offering ropes stems from one source: your decision to accept their ropes! You are free to make your own decisions. By allowing the ropes to fall to the ground untouched, you can preserve your own space of autonomy and unhindered energy flow.
When I realized that a major factor contributing to my problem was my expectation for people to stop throwing ropes at me, I felt a sense of relief. I finally understood that they were not going to stop. The very nature of the level of consciousness they are at is reflected in the ropes they throw. Those who control the media will not cease their efforts. Those who are not interested in self-improvement will continue to throw ropes throughout their lives. I began to request that they stop engaging in behaviors that upset me.
Most importantly, I have the power to refuse the limitations imposed on my thoughts by others. These are all mental chains that bind us because we have accepted them: guilt, anger, and worry. It is liberating to see a rope being thrown at us, saying something like, “You’ll never succeed, you’re too old to change, you had your opportunity but missed it,” and then to let it fall away into insignificance.
Due to their distinct nature, the abilities to PAUSE, YIELD, and CHOOSE can complement each other rather than conflict. Utilizing YIELD can be incredibly effective in certain situations, while in others, focusing on refusing to grasp ropes may be more beneficial. When faced with distressing circumstances, consider pausing. However, at a more advanced level, these forces blend together to create a unified dynamic force. As you become more adept at utilizing them, you will find that they synergize and work together harmoniously. Your interest in their lives guarantees their growth.
Copyright 2006 Tom Russell
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