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The Importance Of Having A Role Model: Finding Inspiration

Helping woman feel beautiful and confident in their own skin

The Importance Of Having A Role Model: Finding Inspiration

Matthew Hussey

In our journey through life, we often encounter moments of doubt, uncertainty, and the need for guidance. During challenging times, the importance of having a role model becomes evident as they serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration. They provide a clear vision of what is possible and motivate us to strive for our best. Role models offer valuable lessons through their experiences, helping us navigate our own challenges with greater confidence and resilience.

People often ask me who has inspired me to become a self-love coach for women. The answer is simple: one of my old favorite coaches, Matthew Hussey. His vast knowledge and dedication have encouraged me to become the best version of myself. Although some suggest I become a relationship coach due to my understanding of that field, I choose not to compete with someone as exceptional as Matthew. Instead, I focus on self-love, a vital aspect of personal development. In this article, we will explore the importance of having a role model and how they can inspire us to achieve our fullest potential.

Photo of Matthew Hussey

The Power of Inspiration

Role models possess a unique ability to inspire us to pursue our dreams and reach our goals. They provide a tangible example of what is possible, demonstrating that with hard work, dedication, and perseverance, we can achieve great things. Matthew Hussey, for instance, has shown me that by helping others and sharing knowledge, we can make a significant impact on people’s lives. His dedication to his craft and his ability to connect with others on a deep level have been instrumental in shaping my own path.

The power of inspiration lies in its ability to ignite a fire within us, pushing us to strive for excellence and to believe in our capabilities. When we see someone like Matthew Hussey achieving success and making a positive impact, it reinforces the belief that we too can achieve similar success if we put in the effort and remain committed to our goals. This sense of inspiration is not limited to professional achievements but extends to personal growth, relationships, and overall well-being.

Learning from Their Experiences

One of the most valuable aspects of having a role model is the opportunity to learn from their experiences. Role models have often faced and overcome challenges similar to those we may encounter in our own lives. By observing how they navigate these obstacles, we can gain insights and strategies to apply in our own situations.

Matthew Hussey’s journey from starting out as a young coach to becoming a renowned expert in the field of relationships has provided me with countless lessons on perseverance, resilience, and the importance of continuous learning. His ability to turn setbacks into opportunities and to approach challenges with a positive mindset has been particularly inspiring. Through his experiences, I have learned the value of staying adaptable, maintaining a growth mindset, and continuously seeking ways to improve both personally and professionally.

“Learning from others’ experiences helps us navigate our journeys with wisdom, turning their lessons into guideposts and their triumphs into inspiration.”

Additionally, role models can offer practical advice and guidance based on their own successes and failures. Matthew’s teachings have equipped me with valuable tools and techniques for personal development, which I have been able to integrate into my coaching practice. By learning from his experiences, I have been able to refine my approach and provide more effective support to the women I coach.

Encouragement to Be Your Best Self

A role model not only inspires but also encourages us to be the best version of ourselves. They show us the importance of self-improvement and the value of setting high standards for ourselves. Matthew Hussey’s work has constantly reminded me of the importance of self-love and personal growth. His teachings emphasize that before we can truly connect with others, we must first understand and appreciate ourselves. This perspective has been a cornerstone of my approach as a self-love coach, helping women realize their worth and potential.

The encouragement to be our best selves often comes from observing the qualities and behaviors that make our role models successful. Matthew’s authenticity, empathy, and commitment to helping others have been key attributes that I strive to embody in my own life and work. By following his example, I have been motivated to cultivate these qualities within myself, leading to greater self-awareness and personal fulfillment.

Furthermore, role models can inspire us to set ambitious goals and to push beyond our comfort zones. Matthew’s success has shown me that there are no limits to what we can achieve if we are willing to put in the effort and stay focused on our objectives. This encouragement has been instrumental in helping me overcome self-doubt and to pursue my passion for coaching with confidence and determination.

a sense of direction

Providing a Sense of Direction

In the often confusing journey of life, a role model can provide a sense of direction. They offer a roadmap that can guide us through difficult times and help us stay focused on our goals. Matthew Hussey’s clear and practical advice has been a guiding light for me. His ability to break down complex concepts into actionable steps has been incredibly beneficial, not only in my personal development but also in my coaching practice. By following his example, I have been able to create a structured approach to helping others, ensuring that I remain focused and purposeful in my work.

Having a sense of direction is crucial in maintaining motivation and staying committed to our goals. Role models can help us identify our strengths and areas for improvement, providing us with a clearer understanding of our path forward. Matthew’s guidance has helped me clarify my vision as a self-love coach and to develop a strategic plan for achieving my objectives. His influence has also reinforced the importance of setting realistic, achievable goals and of regularly evaluating our progress to stay on track.

Moreover, role models can help us navigate challenges and setbacks by offering a perspective that is grounded in experience. When faced with obstacles, I often draw on Matthew’s teachings and the lessons I have learned from his journey to find solutions and to stay resilient. This sense of direction and purpose has been invaluable in helping me maintain a positive outlook and to keep moving forward, even in the face of adversity.

The Importance of Not Competing but Complementing

While it might be tempting to follow in the exact footsteps of our role models, it is essential to carve out our own path. Although I have the knowledge and skills to be a relationship coach, I choose to focus on self-love because it complements rather than competes with what Matthew Hussey does. By finding our unique niche, we can contribute to the world in a way that is true to ourselves while still honoring the inspiration we have drawn from our role models. This approach allows us to build on the foundation they have laid and create something new and valuable.

The importance of not competing but complementing lies in recognizing that each of us has unique strengths, talents, and perspectives to offer. While we can draw inspiration from our role models, it is crucial to remain authentic and true to ourselves. By focusing on self-love, I have been able to develop a specialized approach that addresses a vital aspect of personal development, while still respecting and appreciating the work that Matthew Hussey does in the realm of relationships.

“The true value lies not in competing with role models but in complementing their work, creating a unique path that honors their influence and adds our own strengths.”

Additionally, this approach fosters a sense of collaboration and mutual support rather than competition. By complementing the work of our role models, we can create a more holistic and comprehensive framework for personal development that benefits everyone. This collaborative spirit has been a key factor in my decision to focus on self-love, as it allows me to contribute to a broader movement of empowerment and growth.


Having a role model can profoundly impact our lives, offering inspiration, guidance, and encouragement. For me, Matthew Hussey has been a pivotal figure, inspiring me to become a self-love coach and to help others realize their potential. While it is important to learn from our role models and draw inspiration from their achievements, it is equally crucial to find our unique path and contribute to the world in our own way. By doing so, we can honor their legacy while creating our own. Having a role model is not about competition but about finding someone who inspires us to be the best version of ourselves, and for that, I am forever grateful to Matthew Hussey.

In summary, the importance of having a role model cannot be overstated. They provide us with the inspiration to dream big, the wisdom to learn from their experiences, the encouragement to be our best selves, the guidance to navigate our path, and the reminder to stay true to our unique journey. By embracing these lessons and applying them in our own lives, we can achieve our fullest potential and make a meaningful impact on the world.

Related: The Power Of Energy In Self-Love

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You can go ahead and follow Matthew Hussey here: Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook.

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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit https://womansdailyneeds.com/ to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at https://facebook.com/womansdailyneeds to keep up with her.

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10 Responses

  1. BrightDigiMinds says:

    Insightful and resonant. The emphasis on the multifaceted impact of role models is so important. It’s inspiring to read about how Matthew Hussey has influenced your journey, Kiersti. I particularly appreciate the point about not competing but complementing the work of our role models. It’s a reminder that we each have unique strengths to bring to the table. Focusing on self-love as your niche shows a wonderful understanding of how to create a meaningful, collaborative space rather than one of competition.



  2. Chester says:

    Helping other people is so important! My personal trainer also is doing his best to train me at the gym. And by doing so, all of my life aspects have improved! Being the best version of ourselves is something fundamental to have in our routine. I’m also trying to “aim high” and to improve myself day after day.

    I loved your text, which is very inspiring for people like me who are trying to improve, and become better! I also like you’re complementing Hussey’s work! Great Job! 


  3. Gemma says:

    Hello there,

    The article “The Importance of Having a Role Model: Finding Inspiration” highlights how role models like Matthew Hussey can profoundly influence our lives. Personally, I’ve found that having a role model provides much-needed inspiration and guidance. Hussey’s journey has taught me the value of perseverance and self-improvement. Role models show us what’s possible and encourage us to set high standards for ourselves. They help us navigate challenges with greater confidence and offer a sense of direction. This piece beautifully captures how role models can inspire us to find our unique paths and become the best versions of ourselves.


    Kind regards

    • Kiersti says:

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I completely agree with you—having a role model like Matthew Hussey can provide incredible inspiration and guidance. His journey has indeed taught me the importance of perseverance and self-improvement. Role models not only show us what’s possible but also encourage us to set higher standards for ourselves. They help us face challenges with more confidence and offer a clear sense of direction. I’m glad this piece resonated with you as it highlights how role models can inspire us to discover our unique paths and become the best versions of ourselves.

  4. Marios Tofarides says:

    Hey Kiersti,

    This article on the importance of having a role model is truly inspiring! It beautifully emphasizes how finding the right role model can provide guidance, motivation, and direction in our lives—a must-read for anyone looking to find inspiration and achieve personal growth. Thanks for sharing such a thoughtful piece!


  5. LineCowley says:

    The importance of having a role model really resonated with me. A role model can inspire you, and it is someone that you can look up to for guidance and motivation. Although I am not familiar with Matthew Hussey, it is good to see how you find him your role model.

    I did a course on how to achieve financial freedom for women with a financial guru called Ann Wilson. She has become my role model, and I love getting the newsletters and tips from her. But I have often wondered if one should have more than one role model, for different areas of expertise and guidance? It would be interesting to hear your view.

    • Kiersti says:

      When it comes to having a role model there is a difference between having a role model and a mentor when it comes to mentors it’s always good to have different kind of mentors in different fields such as relationships, business, finances, personal growth, etc. 

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