Independence In Women-The Myths There Mind-Blowing
In life, women are perceived to be the caregivers to those around them. Children, the elderly, the sick, and sometimes their spouses are examples. When a strong-willed and independent woman appears, that stereotype is thrown out the window. In today’s world, more women are demonstrating greater strength and independence than ever before. This is due to the need to do things for oneself rather than relying on a man. Being an independent woman is seen to make one stronger, successful, and happy in life. In this article, I am going to go about the myths and how independent women are seen.
Myths About Strong and Independent Women
When discussing the concept of a resilient and self-reliant woman, it’s crucial to tackle several misunderstandings. Some individuals wrongly assume that independence in women equates to selfishness, excessively high expectations, rejection of partnership, arrogance, being domineering, overly focused on work, lacking emotions, displaying a pessimistic outlook, being authoritative, and more. Yet, none of these misconceptions hold any validity. In the following explanation, I will debunk these myths and illustrate just how inaccurate they are.
- Independent Women are selfish- Selfishness is a perception attributed to numerous individuals globally. Regrettably, there exists a common misconception that when a woman dedicates herself to diligent effort, goal setting, and self-prioritization, she is automatically labeled as selfish. Nonetheless, it’s essential to recognize that tending to one’s well-being is a prerequisite for tending to others. When a woman achieves self-reliance, she not only accomplishes tasks effectively but also cultivates her own happiness.
- Standards Are Too High- An independent woman comprehends her aspirations and rightful desires in this lifetime, which is entirely reasonable. It is important to note, however, that there exists a clear difference between possessing criteria and displaying arrogance. When a woman embodies the same attributes she looks for in others, she is exemplifying standards.
“Setting standards informs you of what you’re worthy of in this existence.”
- They Don’t Need A Man- Similar to all other women, they too desire to experience love. Nevertheless, independent women possess a precise understanding of their preferences in a partner and refuse to compromise for anything subpar. Consequently, they don’t invest their time in individuals who aren’t worthy of their attention. These women are adept at managing their time and won’t squander it on men who don’t merit it. Ultimately, when they do come across a suitable partner, it’s someone they’re willing to fight for and a relationship that’s built to withstand the test of time.
- They Are Conceited- When it comes to being conceited, it is the process of believing that you are superior to others. However, this is completely false. A woman’s understanding of what she wants, what she deserves, and how important she is does not imply that she believes she is superior to others. A strong and independent woman is self-aware of who she is. Regrettably, a limited number of individuals grasp the extent of their own incredible and exquisite nature. They hold the notion that external approval must precede their self-acceptance. A self-reliant woman holds a deep affection for herself and remains unaffected by external opinions. When genuine self-love is achieved, it radiates a positive and affectionate aura.
They Are Controlling or Bossy–As women, we possess a yearning to relish life’s experiences and to have a sense of direction. This inclination only becomes restrictive when it transforms into attempts to dictate and govern the lives of others.
“Being strong and self-sufficient does not imply being bossy.”
- Only Care About Work- When a woman puts in dedicated effort and attains substantial achievements, she might be branded as a workaholic. Nonetheless, women are naturally adept at multitasking. Their diverse skills empower them to manage several tasks simultaneously, enabling them to accomplish a considerable volume of work and attain success. This reality does highlight the necessity for women to exert extra effort compared to men. This is owing to the greater challenges women face in ascending to prominent positions. Undeniably, a double standard is at play in this scenario.
Emotionless- Let’s clarify this point. Merely because a woman is candid and forthright with others doesn’t indicate a lack of emotions. Such a woman is actually endeavoring to support those she holds dear. Admittedly, her words might seem harsh, but this is not her intention. Likewise, a woman’s perpetual smile doesn’t necessarily reflect her kindness. Anyone can feign emotions by mimicking actions and expressions. In actuality, one can discern when a woman is being critical versus when she’s striving to assist. Her motivations stem from genuine goodwill.
- Don’t Need Anyone- Even the most self-reliant individuals find themselves in need of support from time to time. However, embodying independence as a woman often means handling tasks alone, unless seeking advice or aid becomes necessary. When someone with a strong sense of self-sufficiency does seek assistance, it’s usually because they’re facing a challenge and are unsure of alternatives. For such individuals, reaching out for help is a significant step, as it requires considerable effort. Therefore, when they do come to you, it’s because they trust your reliability and know they can count on you.
“Even strong women require someone.”
- They Do it Alone- Certain individuals might contend that independent women lack a robust support system or a wide social circle. However, this assertion is entirely unfounded. A self-reliant woman indeed has friends, albeit a select few who hold her trust and share a close bond. She doesn’t require a multitude of friends to recognize her inherent value and significance in the world. The companions she surrounds herself with carry immense importance, mirroring her own values and perspectives. When these women forge friendships, they do so with meticulous consideration. They have little patience for insincere or conceited individuals within their sphere. Their perspective centers on authenticity—both to oneself and to those in their proximity.
Misunderstandings encountered in life contribute to enhanced resilience and expertise in a specific field. Formulating typically inaccurate judgments regarding a particular subject encapsulates this concept. Instead of relying on hearsay, it’s imperative to engage in research and effort to unearth accurate information.
There’s absolutely no issue with a self-reliant woman. Possessing determination merely indicates that you are at ease with your identity, aware of your desires and entitlements in this existence. Therefore, step forward and advocate for your aspirations, regardless of others’ opinions or judgments.
Feel free to drop any queries you may have regarding the misunderstandings surrounding independent women in the comment section. Drawing from my extensive experience in this realm, I’m here to provide you with valuable assistance and insights.
Related: The Vital Role Of Friendship: Bonds for Growth and Self-Love
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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at to keep up with her.
10 Responses
Well done on a really insightful article. I myself work in a male dominated environment and my colleagues talk about me behind my back.
My boss told me that some of my colleagues find me bossy and ‘hard faced’, I say I am a strong confident person who knows what they want in life and won’t easily settle for anything less. That includes work and romance. I guess I am controlling but only of things that effect my life directly. I have no interest in controlling other people.
Also I totally agree with your comments about friends. At school I had loads, but honestly how many were really friends, these days I take great care in who I trust, and without trust there is no friendship.
I know where I want to be in 10 years and I have the confidence to go for it.
Thanks! People who gossip, I’ve discovered, are simply insecure about themselves and envious of what they don’t have.
That’s ridiculous. However, I believe that being bossy makes you stronger, so go girl! I’m glad you have a clear vision of what you want. Most people, I’ve discovered, don’t know what they want, so they take it out on others or get the exact opposite.
Friendship is a two-way street that must be reciprocated. If a person is not open and honest with their friends, they are not truly friends.
I believe you and anyone else who truly desires something can obtain it; all they have to do is take action.
Hi! There is a double standard in the world we live in. However, I feel that women have been treated unfairly in many environments. And there are some that push and excel beyond men around her. That is ok. The problem is with the stereotypes.
We should take a look at the stereotypes that even we embrace because they may not be reasonable.
Hi! The double standard is completely incorrect. We are all unique and capable of doing things in our own way, and everyone has the right to do so. Stereotypes have never appealed to me because