Location, Utah, USA

What if I flop To The Ground?

Helping woman feel beautiful and confident in their own skin

What if I flop To The Ground?

What if I flop To the Ground?

I hope you will. Sounds awful, I know. However, I essentially assume that the best thing that could happen to you is for you to take a small, timid leap and flop to the ground. Then, I want to see you stand back up, assess what likely went wrong, and attempt another jump. Continue making that leap of faith and learning from your mistakes until you become accustomed to both leaping and falling. The fear of falling may then fade, and you may eventually start to concentrate on flying.

I want to see you give it everything you’ve got, dive headfirst into your goals, and lose all sense of the possibility of failure in the process. You will never discover your potential until you try. Fear of failure is a self-imposed obstacle. Delaying the pursuit of our goals due to this fear is, in itself, a form of failure. My question to you is: why does it matter if you fail? Even the most brilliant individuals experience failure daily.

What if I flop To the Ground?

What if I flop To the Ground?

Often, courageous and persistent individuals experience setbacks or may even appear to be failing. Christopher Reeves is a prime example of someone who faced failure. How many times did he deceive himself, saying he was going for a walk, only to return to bed after another setback? Despite these challenges, he is greatly admired. He does not let a minor setback from yesterday deter him from giving his all today. Everyone who knows him views him as an inspiration. Who decided that we must win every single activity every single day to be accepted?

What does failure truly mean? I don’t see Christopher Reeves as a failure at this stage. Anyone with such determination, focus, and strength cannot be considered a failure. He is truly a hero. As long as you keep making sincere efforts, you have not failed. You are still succeeding as long as you continue to make consistent leaps. Failure has its limit, just like everything else. If you keep striking it in the same spot over time, it will eventually give way. How many light bulbs did Thomas Edison create before getting it right?

Most people are illiterate because they don’t care how many times he tried and failed before finding success. He utilized his existing knowledge, learned from his mistakes, adhered to his plan, and did not allow his fear of failure or fear of ridicule by others to deter him.

What if I flop To the Ground?

That of success

One of the reasons, in my view, why we hear so many success stories of immigrants in the United States is because they grew up hearing stories about how it is possible to build the life you desire in this country. The narratives they heard as children, about how everyone has the opportunity to succeed in America, seem to have replaced any lingering doubts about their own potential for success. They simply get to work, determined to turn their aspirations into reality, because they are not afraid of failure. Along the way, they may stumble and face challenges, but they do not give up or quit.

Hollywood is well aware of this phenomenon. Their entire business revolves around showcasing stories of underdogs who persevere and ultimately achieve success. Nobody can pay money to watch a movie about a perfect person who creates a perfect dream and lives a perfect life while successfully completing everything they set out to do. Complaining! Nonetheless, we tend to dislike individuals who appear overly flawless. Striving and failing, on the other hand, gives us a reason to take notice of you, to share your story with others, and to offer our support.

After experiencing my first dance lesson at school, I received some of the best advice I’ve ever heard on the topic: “You’re not pushing yourself hard enough if you’re not stumbling.” Playing it safe, you remain in your comfort zone. That comment motivated me to overcome my fear of failure. That summer, I pushed myself to the limit physically, but I also excelled in the sport, earning a significant amount of money.

“That of failure is typically encountered on the path to your success destination.”

Nobody mentioned how generally I fell that summer or how depressed I became; instead, they only emphasized how quickly I picked up knowledge and what a fantastic job I changed into doing. Only my teacher understood the challenge it was for me to break out of my comfort zone and allow myself to let go, which led to his self-satisfied smile. There’s nothing quite like removing that large obstacle from your path and watching it dissipate into nothing!

Let out a brief laugh before diving back in.

Are you going to postpone buying something expensive just because you’re afraid of failing? Would you be willing to endure and learn from the initial mistakes if I assured you that you would only fail twice before succeeding on the third attempt? We’ll proceed with the purchase. The only thing left to discuss is the extent of it. As a result, before you cross, take a leap of faith.

What if I flop To the Ground?

In conclusion,

In summary, experiencing setbacks is a normal part of life. What truly counts is how you respond to them. It is during these times of failure or unforeseen circumstances that the most valuable lessons are learned. The key is to never give up. Instead of letting fear hold you back, confront it directly. This approach will make life much more manageable.

Now, what do you think of this article? I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts in the comments section below.

Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow’s Edge

Related: How does Failure Lead to Success?- The Truth

10 Tips for Conquering your Fears- It’s Within

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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit https://womansdailyneeds.com/ to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at https://facebook.com/womansdailyneeds to keep up with her.

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