Change Your Mind And The Rest Will Follow!- It’s Inside Of You
If you change your mind, the rest will follow. But if your mind is set on a particular path, you will find it hard to change . . . Or even to change your mind.
Change your Mind and the Rest Will Follow!
“Alter is necessary for progress, and individuals who can’t change their thoughts can’t trade anything,”
For the average person, change has a negative connotation. Our natural impulse is to look for information that, on an emotional level, feels true at the moment. We tend to seek what is familiar and comfortable because it provides a sense of safety. Our nervous system and mind are wired to identify and resolve any uncertainties, making every new experience a struggle between the known and the potential. We can start to relax and embrace the unknown once we feel confident in our ability to handle and understand it.
The unfamiliar is a continual puzzle that your mind and anxious system must decipher, a process that can be complex. As you eliminate uncertainties and become accustomed to something, you may revert to automatic behavior. Our minds typically operate by conditioning, recognizing and expecting familiar patterns through repetition. This mechanism is undoubtedly designed to enhance our efficiency and success in various pursuits. Your mind is naturally inclined to seek the most pleasurable route.
Practice has power
Through regular practice, we develop the ability to recognize specific orders and sequences in which events occur, allowing us to comprehend and respond to them effectively. For instance, each emotion we experience is not simply a standalone occurrence but rather the culmination of a series of events and reactions triggered by our subconscious mind. These reactions build and shape the actual feeling, which is ultimately perceived as a sensation by our nervous system. This process highlights the intricate interplay between our conscious and subconscious minds in shaping our emotional experiences.
To trade or exchange something, you must first become familiar with these patterns. You should be aware of what is happening just beneath the surface of your conscious awareness. This concept is accessible for anyone to try. Utilizing the human mind doesn’t require a complete understanding of its intricacies. It’s enough to acknowledge that a part of you reacts and behaves in a somewhat automated manner, influenced by your past experiences and connections.
Transitioning from a mindset or situation that doesn’t serve your best interests to one that does can be challenging. It may require you to change your perspective, particularly in terms of how you perceive yourself and understand the workings of the world around you. Making different choices will seem uncomfortable at first, but you can rest easy knowing that as you start to establish new institutions and affiliations, the uncomfortable will become comfy.
Get comfortable being uncomfortable
The way we evolve as humans is via the process of making the “uncomfortable” comfortable or the “unknown” known. Your comfort zone, which includes all the studies you can manage, is represented by what you are the most comfortable doing. You won’t be able to extend yourself as a person if you don’t broaden this “area.” All people have a strong emotional drive to grow and become more unique as individuals.
You might not be happy if there is no rise. All improvement, however, feels difficult during the present but typically feels highly joyful in the long run, and it’s exactly this feeling that all of us genuinely strive for; the sense that we label “great”. You may stick with what seems comfy and “correct” at the moment, but true fulfillment comes from going beyond your comfort zone and building a sense of pride in yourself. Growth, change, and exchange requires risk, and risk is the process of moving from the known to the unknown.
The universe is always evolving, never stagnant, which mirrors the nature of life in general and your own life specifically. Regardless of your accomplishments, your life will undergo changes. Taking the deliberate step to initiate a change is the first stride toward success. By placing yourself in challenging situations, you will experience personal growth and development. While exchange happens automatically, advancement is based on desire. To have control over your life, you must commit to being the person you aspire to be.
In conclusion
Every interaction starts with a mental exchange. To initiate change, you must first change your perspective on what needs to be changed. Altering your perspective immediately shifts your perception and subsequently, your feelings about the situation. Changing the way you perceive things leads to changes in your behavior, ultimately propelling you forward. Simply trying to influence behavior without changing your perspective rarely leads to lasting change. Changing your perspective leads to a sense of ease. Without change, there is no growth, and without growth, you’re not truly living.
Do you have any questions or concerns? Please post them in the comments section below. I’d be delighted to hear from you.
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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at to keep up with her.