You Make Me Feel-Liberating Self-Love

“You Make Me Feel” – Experience the power of emotional elevation and heartfelt connection in this captivating expression of unconditional love. Discover the freedom to be authentically yourself and embrace fearless individuality, as passions and happiness know no bounds. Open your heart to a soulful connection that leaves you feeling alive and empowered.
“You Make Me Feel: A Journey of Emotions and Connection”
Do different people add a sense of significance to your life?
Do they evoke emotions of happiness or sadness within you?
I’m interested in knowing how they create this impact on you.
Do they ever say, “Here’s a tin of unhappiness,” or perhaps, “Oh, you need a pail of joy? Hold on, I have one for you right here”?
Can you find pre-packaged joy or sorrow readily available on grocery shelves?
Some enthusiastic shoppers might argue that such pre-packaged emotions are available, but I beg to differ.
Often, others can evoke positive emotions within us through their actions, words, or presence. Our satisfaction becomes dependent on what they do, say, or become. Consequently, when they fail to meet our expectations, we may feel disenchanted, sad, or hurt.
We frequently try to manipulate the emotions of others to regulate our own feelings.
As a result, we are inevitably setting ourselves up for disappointment because we cannot control everyone else. It is unrealistic to expect others to act according to our expectations or desires.
Our sole responsibility lies in self-management.
Positive emotions do not stem from others; it is within our power to choose whether to embrace them. Our objective is to respond positively, yet often we presume to know what others are saying, leading to hasty judgments.
Certainly, I cannot hand you a box of sadness or a bucket of joy. Emotions are not transferable items; they exist within us and are most easily found there.
Recently, I attended an event where someone looked absolutely stunning. When I complimented their outfit to a friend, they reacted defensively, sensing my insincerity right away.
“You Make Me Feel” – An enchanting symphony of emotions, where connections ignite and hearts come alive.
If she had chosen to accept the compliment and responded with a simple “Thank you, I’m glad you liked it,” she would have felt better about herself, even if I had been trying to be sarcastic.
One day, I ran into a man from my past who had undergone some changes—he was now shorter, balder, and had acne. Despite these differences, whenever we went to a pub, he boldly approached women, striking up conversations without hesitation. Even if he faced rejection, he simply shrugged it off and continued to approach others.
Unfazed by potential feelings of rejection, he seemed calm by any negative emotions that might arise. With a simple “Your loss” smile, he gracefully moved on to the next person, confident in his approach.
Each of us possesses the power to control our own identity and emotions, whether we acknowledge it or not. It is entirely acceptable to feel as you desire. You can choose to be joyful or sad at any given moment. By simply contemplating a matter, your feelings about it can transform.
Isn’t it almost enchanting?
What if we embarked on a whimsical journey of choosing how we feel when interacting with others? Let our emotions be like paintbrushes, crafting vibrant hues of joy, empathy, and understanding as we create delightful connections.
Like cars gliding on autopilot, most people navigate through life without much concern for the tasks at hand or the surroundings. Their bodies and minds effortlessly carry on, uninterrupted by the routine. They embrace the flow, knowing it allows them to focus on what truly matters without unnecessary interference.
“You Make Me Feel: A vibrant canvas of emotions, painted with happiness, love, and shared magic.”
Imagine gazing upon a bustling cityscape, where cars gracefully glide through the streets as if guided by an invisible force. Their movements seem effortless as if no drivers occupy the vehicles. Yet, they navigate precisely, weaving through the urban labyrinth, forming an enchanting symphony of motion. In this bustling metropolis, it’s as if the cars possess a mysterious autonomy, dancing in harmony without anyone at the helm.
Unaware of its presence, a hidden “character” governs most people from within.
Reclaim the reins of your experiences and liberate yourself from relying on others to handle specific situations. Embrace the power of self-determination and chart your course to navigate life’s challenges.
As the morning sun greets you at work, you hold the power to shape the day’s narrative. With a sneer and a murmur, you could dismiss it as mundane, or you could embrace its radiance and respond with a cheerful, “It’s a fantastic morning!” The choice is yours, and it sets the tone for the adventure that awaits.
In the realm of emotions, the decision is yours to make – whether to embrace the depths of negativity or bask in the heights of positivity.
Amidst life’s diverse choices, the question remains: which path will you venture on?
It’s time to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and recognize your inherent worth. Embrace the power within you to feel and experience life on your terms. Choose to revel in self-love and embrace the joy that comes from honoring yourself. Remember, you hold the key to your emotions and happiness; empower yourself to feel good and cherish your uniqueness.
“You Make Me Feel: A kaleidoscope of emotions, where hearts unite and spirits ignite.”
Stand strong and defiant, uttering “It’s their loss” or any such phrase if faced with rejection. Refuse to be defined by others’ negative labels like “Poor thing, must be troubled.” Take charge of your life, breaking free from autopilot mode. Reclaim the power to choose how you feel and liberate yourself from the influence of others. Empower yourself to make decisions that align with your true desires and aspirations. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, where you steer your life’s course and seize the happiness that awaits you.
In conclusion
In the symphony of emotions, “You Make Me Feel” weaves a tale of profound connections and personal empowerment. As we navigate through life’s ups and downs, we discover that our emotions are not solely shaped by external influences but reside within our own hearts. Embracing the enchanting dance of self-discovery, we find the courage to embrace joy and triumph over sorrow.
In this journey of authenticity, we realize that we hold the power to choose our emotional palette, painting our lives with vibrant hues of love, empathy, and resilience. So, let us cherish the moments that ignite our souls, for it is within these connections that the essence of life truly comes alive. In the end, “You Make Me Feel” is a testament to the incredible journey we embark upon when we allow our hearts to guide us, igniting the magic of emotions that enrich our very existence.
Do you have any questions or thoughts to share? Feel free to leave them in the comments section below. Your feedback is valuable, and I’m eager to engage in meaningful conversations with you. I’m here to listen and connect with you, so don’t hesitate to reach out!
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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at to keep up with her.