When Encountering Difficulties In Life Give The Stomach A Break.

Days in our lives are rarely ever the same. Sometimes we have wonderful days, and other times we worry. Our state of relaxation or agitation often stems from the thoughts occupying our minds. During challenging times, we may turn to food as a coping mechanism. So with that said this article is about when encountering difficulties in life give the stomach a break.
When Encountering Difficulties in Life Give the Stomach A Break
Even the finest foods won’t be digested under those circumstances—at least not well. Moreover, due to the prevalence of unappetizing food combinations in many of our meals, along with the widespread consumption of junk and artificial substances, eating during times of trouble can lead to fermentation and organ poisoning, as these foods are not easily digestible.
Worry, fear, sadness, and rage are all strong emotions that denote melancholy. They also disturb the stomach’s natural rhythms and can lead to dehydration. In actuality, too much happiness and joy will have the same effect.
When animals or even young children are upset or anxious, they tend to avoid eating until those emotional states have subsided, which may take a considerable amount of time.
Moreover, while it is true that many proper individuals abstain from eating during turbulent times and realize that they are actually hungry, it is also far too common for most people to consume large meals during these times, often consisting of disorder-causing foods. This can further complicate or completely halt an already sluggish digestion process.
An individual experiencing sadness tends to favor fasting (abstinence from food) over feasting, as indicated by the warning signs mentioned earlier. Considering the significant amount of energy needed to digest, process, and assimilate food, eating, especially in excess, during times of stress actually exacerbates the situation. To navigate challenging circumstances, the body and mind need to harness all their physical, intellectual, and spiritual strength.
This might explain why, as mentioned in the Bible and other religious texts, many people in the past, such as David, Esther, and Paul, sought solitude and refrained from eating when confronted with challenging circumstances.
Albert Mosseri, a renowned hygienist, explains this quality by saying:
“Life’s challenges aren’t as overpowering when the stomach is empty. Discouragement disappears and calms returns. Desire returns and enthusiasm is revived. Then, all the problems will seem less significant than they initially seemed.”
In conclusion
As a tactic for conquering life’s challenges, friends refrain from drinking until the issue is resolved. It might not be the solution to the immediate issue, but it will help the mind focus on repairing what the issue is. Once you have successfully navigated through that, a feast may be in order.
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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit https://womansdailyneeds.com/ to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at https://facebook.com/womansdailyneeds to keep up with her.