Why Are People So Selfish?-The True Reason

Expressing the complexity of this subject, it’s safe to say that discussing this topic can be quite challenging, wouldn’t you agree? Many individuals observe selfishness in people, sparking curiosity about the underlying reasons and potential remedies. It might seem like a tough question to tackle, but it’s apparent that the root causes lie within individuals rather than external factors. When seeking personal growth, it’s essential to focus on self-awareness rather than comparing oneself to others or scrutinizing their lives.
When individuals gain insight into the reasons behind their selfish behavior, the outcomes can be exceptional and extraordinary. Conversely, if one struggles to comprehend the root causes of their selfishness, it becomes exceedingly challenging to transform and lead a more compassionate life towards others. Ultimately, the power to understand and change one’s selfish tendencies rests solely with the individual.

Scarcity Is At The Root Of Selfishness.
The presence of scarcity, feelings of resentment, a tendency to withhold, and a deficit in empathy are significant factors that influence whether an individual exhibits selfish behavior. You retain the choice of either persisting in this manner or proactively initiating a transformation. It’s important to recognize that the authority to make this decision lies solely with you; no one else can do it for you. Remember that without making any adjustments, there’s a higher likelihood of remaining deeply entrenched in selfishness. Finally, if you can learn to be caring, loving, supportive, and open to change, you will have a much lower chance of being selfish.
Were you aware that many selfish individuals fear that tending to others’ needs might jeopardize their own? Indeed, this is a common concern. However, it’s essential to grasp that showing care and performing occasional acts of kindness for others doesn’t mean you’ll be unable to prioritize your own well-being. Remember, to care for others effectively, it’s imperative to begin by caring for yourself.
Consider the following example:
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had the choice to either accept or decline a request? It’s a straightforward decision, but it can reveal whether you possess selfish tendencies. However, it’s important to note that prioritizing your own needs doesn’t automatically make you selfish; it simply means you have other obligations. So, instead of outright refusing when someone asks for your assistance, consider saying, “Certainly, but let me complete this task first.” This communicates your willingness to help while also acknowledging your existing commitments. However, it’s crucial to use this response only when you genuinely have other tasks to attend to.
The Various Types of Selfishness
Many selfish people all over the world can make us question our very existence. It is possible to tell if someone is self-centered, but it can be difficult at times. Nevertheless, if we are aware that certain individuals exhibit selfish behavior, what motivates our desire to maintain their company? It’s because such individuals possess an enigmatic quality, and where there’s a mystery, there’s a natural curiosity. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that curiosity can lead to disappointment, and that’s a potential consequence we should be cautious about. Here are several distinct forms of selfishness to remain vigilant about:

- Then I Called It Type of Selfish: The individual known as the “I called it” type typically seeks to be the first to acquire or possess the best of everything. This person consistently prefers occupying the front seat in the car and strives to be at the pinnacle of any situation. It’s essential to exercise caution, as they are willing to go to great lengths to secure what they covet.
- The I Have to Have It Type of Selfish: This form of selfishness is relatively benign. The “I have to have it” type is known for consistently taking the final piece of anything, regardless of the situation. Their actions stem from a desire for personal satisfaction.
- The Demon: When confronted with selfishness, it’s crucial to exercise caution. This specific type of selfishness manifests as a strong desire to appropriate everything you have, whether it’s clothing, money, relationships, or even a past romantic partner. They will resort to various methods to seize what you own. This conduct is usually rooted in their lack of awareness, manipulative inclinations, and selfish characteristics.
“The demon is truly only concerned with himself.”
4. The Insensitive: This degree of selfishness is quite pronounced. Individuals of this type tend to center every situation around themselves, particularly when they’re in need, such as during illness or financial hardships. If you attempt to communicate with them, they may respond with remarks like, “Well, you didn’t do this or that.” Ultimately, they manage to make you feel guilty for not having taken certain actions.
5. The Pore Me- This form of selfishness is exceedingly detrimental. Being around such individuals invariably leads to negative emotions. They incessantly focus on their own problems and grievances. Should you attempt to engage in conversation with them, they often dismiss your concerns by asserting that their own issues hold greater significance and that yours are trivial in comparison. It’s important to remain cautious when encountering this behavior.
6. The Cocky Type: This particular personality exhibits a remarkable talent for selfishness. Interacting with them tends to evoke a desire to steer clear. They consistently indulge in self-aggrandizement, boasting about their own excellence and the widespread admiration they receive. I personally believe that anyone displaying such excessive arrogance could benefit from a change in their perspective.
Ultimately, selfishness remains selfishness, regardless of one’s perspective. If you happen to display any of these characteristics, it’s advisable to explore avenues for behavioral change. Selfishness tends to repel others, as it exudes a highly negative energy that can have a detrimental influence on those around you.
Motives for Being a Selfish Individual
You might not recall specific instances in your life when someone acted selfishly towards you, but you likely remember the hurtful feelings it caused. Nonetheless, you might wonder why certain individuals tend to be self-centered while others are notably more compassionate and considerate. What motivates some people to exhibit indifference toward others, while others radiate love and empathy? With these questions in mind, let’s explore some reasons behind selfish behavior. In matters of selfishness, it’s worth noting that some individuals may not even realize they are acting selfishly, which can unintentionally contribute to their self-centered actions.

- They Were Raised to Be: Have you ever encountered someone with profoundly misguided beliefs? For instance, they may have been raised with the notion that success is attainable only through selfishness or that one must prioritize selfishness to accomplish anything in life. However, this perspective is flawed. Caring about others doesn’t hinder your chances of success; in fact, it can make you a more resilient and capable individual.
- Fear of Resentment: Individuals who prioritize the well-being of others may sometimes neglect their own self-care. Conversely, some individuals exhibit selfish behavior because they fear that neglecting their own needs will leave them unfulfilled. Hence, it becomes crucial to place your own needs first before extending assistance to others. After all, how can you effectively care for others if you’re unable to care for yourself?
They Don’t Realize That They Are: In some cases, selfish people are unaware that they are selfish. They may believe they are not, which is the cause for concern. If others are telling you that you are wrong, you should listen to what they are saying. No, not everyone who calls you selfish is correct. They could be upset at times. So, if someone accuses you of being selfish, please consider the reasons why.
- They Have Low Self-esteem: Selfishness often stems from a deficit in self-esteem, typically rooted in personal struggles an individual has faced in their life. This low self-esteem can drive them to be self-centered as they seek to validate their importance to someone. Consequently, everything tends to revolve around them, even though, in reality, this behavior can be self-destructive.
- Genetics: Certain individuals exhibiting selfish tendencies may have a genetic predisposition towards such behavior. It’s possible that selfishness runs in their family, although this cannot be definitively proven. Nonetheless, if you have selfish individuals within your family, you have the agency to break that pattern and choose a different path.
I acknowledge that selfish actions can sometimes occur inadvertently, and some individuals may not even be aware that they are exhibiting such behavior. However, it’s crucial for them to recognize and become more self-aware. But why is this self-awareness important? It’s because consistently selfish individuals risk losing more than they ever have. Persistent selfishness can indicate an underlying problem that needs attention, potentially leading to profound personal unhappiness. In most cases, such individuals may require more assistance and support than they realize.
The Recognition For Change
So, now that I’ve lectured you on being selfish. I’d like to now give you some key ideas on how to be less selfish and more caring of others. This will help you with love, compassion, and being true to yourself and others.
Key Idea #1: Look For Opportunities To Help Others
If you wish to cultivate a sense of selflessness, seek opportunities to aid others genuinely. It’s important to assist them when they genuinely require help, rather than solely for your own gain. Engaging in acts of kindness solely for personal benefit can give the impression that you are only motivated by self-interest. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that your altruistic actions stem from genuine intentions.
Key Idea #2: Learn To Communicate:
Communication can manifest in various ways, and here, I’m focusing on two specific aspects: listening and verbal communication. When engaging in a conversation with someone, it’s valuable to invest time in actively listening to their words instead of immediately formulating your response or interrupting them. This practice conveys a sense of respect and genuine affection for the other person.
Key Idea #3: Learn To Share:
To overcome selfishness, it’s essential to embrace the concept of sharing, especially when it comes to mutual respect. Every individual has accomplishments in their life, and it’s crucial to acknowledge this fact. Keep in mind that the spotlight doesn’t belong exclusively to you; others have a right to be at the center of attention as well.
Key Idea #4: Self-Reflect:
It is necessary to reflect on who you are regularly. When you self-reflect, you can identify and change harmful habits. In the context of selfishness, self-reflection can be a valuable tool, especially if you’re unaware of your own selfish behavior. It enables you to better understand your actions and make more conscious choices in your future behavior.

Key Idea #5: Put Yourself Into Other People’s Shoes:
Selfishness often emerges in our lives when we fail to recognize that our actions can affect those in our vicinity. Take, for instance, the practice of buying items and reselling them at a profit. While it can be a means to boost your income, it’s crucial to consider the impact on those around you. Cultivating empathy for others is essential. Once you acknowledge that your actions might be detrimental, you can embark on a journey to amend your behavior.
Strive to avoid selfishness in your interactions with others whenever feasible. This effort will not only lead to a deeper self-love but also a greater appreciation for life. By heeding this advice, you can aspire to become the finest version of yourself.
In The End
You have the choice to persist in selfishness or seek a path to transformation. Continual selfishness signals to the world a lack of respect and love for others. Conversely, to break free from selfishness, it’s imperative to first acknowledge it and then actively work to alter your behavior. The decision to cease being selfish ultimately rests with you alone.
If you have any inquiries about how to move forward, feel free to reach out; I possess substantial experience in this area and I am willing to offer my assistance.
Related: Is It Ok To Be Selfish?- There Are Times
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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit https://womansdailyneeds.com/ to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at https://facebook.com/womansdailyneeds to keep up with her.
10 Responses
A very interesting read that brings a lot of feelings upon me. As a retired person I frequently meet other guys of older age. What struck me most in the last three years, is how selfish they generally are. Two or three of them I have identified as narcissists and three more as self-centered. You can never relate to them as they always talk about themselves.
There was one who became a little bit closer before I knew, but after his divorce, it became very quickly clear that he would never be a real friend. Oh, he can be very friendly and humorous, but he does not know what friendship is. Of course, he was very surprised when I took my distance from him and he said he did not know what he did wrong.
I commend you for trying to solve people’s issues, but what if, as in this case, they do not even see they can be wrong? I tell you what: do not waste too much time on such a person. He is now in the company of like-minded people. I doubt whether he will ever turn around.
This is my reality and I certainly do not want to discourage you. More like preparing you for what could happen. Undoubtedly, there will be people who, with a little bit of help, can become less selfish. Maybe you can better speak to them when they come to you with their problems.
Thanks so much for reading. Selfish people are always around us, it’s sad, but it’s true. Sadly those who are selfish are also narcissistic as well. I agree you can’t relate to them that’s why it’s best to just ignore them and live your own life.
It’s during those tough times when you discover who your real friends are. Sadly most of the time they really are not your friends in the first place.
I just love trying to help people and knowing that they do matter. If that can’t see that what they are doing is wrong that is their issue not yours, and they should want to change all on their own. In the end you right don’t waste time on those who do not care and simply won’t do anything to care.
Thanks for trying to help however I get it I really do. That is why I write articles like this to try and help people out there because I do care.
Here is a great read called Your Life Isn’t for You: A Selfish Person’s Guide to Being Selfless
Being selfish is one of the worst virtues that human can possess, always find yourself isolated and no one willing to associate with you, the decision make dictates the future there is nothing as good as realizing your mistakes and embrace change as this selfish behavior my turn to haunt all your life, we all need a loving life but if choose otherwise you will encounter obstacles even during your love life, no one is perfect but change is inevitable.
I believe that being selfish can be a good thing, but everything has its limits. However, I do agree that being selfish makes no one want to be around you and that it also makes you have a very negative energy. With that said thanks for reading and have a great day.
Selfishness is a very interesting topic, thank you for sharing this post. All relationships should be balanced, give and take. We should not be in relationships where one persons gives and the other only receives. Selfish people sometimes make excuses by saying they have nothing to give. life is not only about material things, sometime we need someone to be quiet and just listening.
Thanks for reading and sharing your input. I suggest sharing my articles they really will help those who need it the most. @Womansdailyneeds.com
People are seen to be very selfish in life, so many people are probably curious as to why this is the case and what can be done about it. Scarcity, resentment, never giving back, and a lack of empathy are major determinants of whether someone is selfish or not. Only you can determine why you are selfish and have the ability to change. If you can learn to be caring, loving, supportive, and open to change, you will have a much lower chance of being selfish.
Exactly and it takes a lot to actually understand that part. Thanks for reading my article. Please take the time to share it with those around I would really appreciate it.
Very interesting topic you’ve got here! Being selfish can hurt a lot of people in anyone’s life, but we also need to take care of our mental health, and if taking care of ourselves means that we have to be selfish (ex. taking time for ourselves, prioritizing our needs, setting boundaries, etc) then I do think that it is okay to be selfish. Kindness is everything, but never be too kind you forget your power, nor never wield such power that you forget to be kind.
I couldn’t agree more. However I will be writing a article on why being delis s good thing. Make sure to stay tuned. Please share with those around you it’s very helpful.