The Secret Book Review- It’s Powerful

Product: The Secret Book Review
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Written by: Rhonda Byrne
Genre: Personal Growth and Spiritual Healing
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My Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars.

The Secret Book Review
Whenever I’m looking for ways to grow and develop personally, I reach for The Secret Book quite often. This is usually right after waking up in the morning after a good night’s sleep. Every morning when I wake up, I have my book by my bedside. I am reading in a very peaceful environment without distractions. Throughout the book, you can apply the secrets to almost any aspect of your life. Among these aspects are money, health, relationships, success, and so much more.
You will gain a greater understanding of the hidden power that resides deep inside you through The Secret book. It allows you to experience true joy and happiness in your life. Your true potential is revealed when you believe in yourself. Additionally, things will begin to appear in your life when you least expect them to.
It is a wonderful source that will increase your happiness, love, peace, and success in all aspects of your life. From the moment you open this book for the first time, you will find so much wisdom within. In this review, I will explain some of my favorite ways to bring more abundance into your life through this book. All of them can help you create positive change in your life.
It’s All About Being Positive, but It’s Still Worth It
Honestly, I’ve always been aware of the value of the law of attraction and the importance of being positive every day. However, I have never been ever very positive in my life. I used to be a negative person, until a few years ago, when I realized negativity was unhealthy for me. That’s when I discovered the secret book and saw the secret movie for myself. I’ve changed my perspective on life since applying what I’ve learned from the book, and I’ve developed a more loving and successful life.
Here’s a look inside The Secret Book on a page.

The Secret Book covers a lot of ground. For example, more optimism, a healthier lifestyle, and greater success in all aspects of life. However, when you incorporate more positivity into your daily life, you begin to attract more from within. So, instead of focusing on everything that is wrong or simply negative in your life, consider what is wonderful in it. I’m confident that your life will become far more exciting.
Yes, being more optimistic has resulted in more opportunities and ideas in my personal life. For example, I’ve had more fun-loving energy than I’ve ever had before. As a result of my more upbeat and positive attitude, I decided that I can do whatever I set my mind to, regardless of what others say or believe. It’s always about believing in yourself and your abilities.
Furthermore, Personal Growth is A lot
Abundance, pursuing your desires, wisdom from great educators, happiness, success, more drive and willpower, mindset, subconscious and conscious mind, and having a strong deep desire.
Yes, personal growth can bring a lot into your life while also allowing you to deal with a lot. This small book is doing everything it can to assist you, and you aren’t even aware of it. You will be able to be more positive and genuine with yourself and others as a result of this.
There are so many things you can do with The Secret Book that goes far beyond positivity and personal growth, and these are just a few of the most well-known. This book has the potential to improve your life in a variety of ways. You can learn more about how this book can help you by searching for it on Google or YouTube.
Here’s an excellent example of how being more positive and clear can change your life and bring you more happiness and abundance.
So, in the end, it’s critical to keep an open mind and to be positive every day, while also believing in yourself. This will help you to have a more open mind and achieve anything, but only if you truly believe.
It’s Not Easy to Use the Secret
So, this is a fantastic read that, when used correctly, will completely transform your life. However, it is more complicated than it appears. That is why I am going to outline a nine-step system for utilizing The Secret Book.
Step 1: Buy The Secret Book on
Step 2: When the book arrives, take a quick look through it. This will give you a sense of what the book is about.
Step 3: Make sure to take notes on the most important concepts in this book as you read. Remember that the notes should be handwritten so that they can be easily memorized.
Step 4: Once you’ve finished the book, make sure you understand the concept behind the secret. Gratitude and visualization are examples of this.
Step 5: Start doing your own research on the Law of Attraction and learn what it really means. For example, check out The Secrets website at
Step 6: Remember that thoughts are energy.
Step 7: Learn to live in the now. Do not think about the past or the future only think of the present. With that being said do not add time limits that will not create change in your life.
Step 8: Make an effort to surround yourself with people who are similar to you. When you’re around negative people, it’s not just their energy that drains yours; it’s also what they believe will rub off on you. This can be difficult, especially if the negative people are members of your family. However, it is entirely possible.
Step 9: Now get out there and do something. Just as The Secret suggests, action is everything. There is no result when there is no action.
That’s all there is to it. It may appear complicated at first, but once you begin to understand the concept a little better, it becomes much easier to be aware of. More things will come into your life as you begin to be more positive. Positivity and a growth mindset are essential in all aspects of one’s life. In any case, if you want incredible things to happen in your life, you must be consistent.
If you want to learn more about Rhonda Byrne, I recommend reading my review of her other book, The Secret Gratitude Book. In this book, I discuss the importance of gratitude and introduce you to Rhonda Byrne.
The Secret Book Will Change Everything
I am a firm believer in The Secret Book and the enormous impact it will have on the lives of those who read it. Not only do I recommend it, but many others in the personal growth and development community do as well. So, with that said, I am confident that if it works for millions of people, it will work for you as well. The fact that it is overwhelmingly positive may be perceived as a disadvantage by some who read it. However, the power it possesses is well worth it in the end. It is available in Kindle, audiobook, and hardcover formats. This means it is very easy to access and carry around with you wherever you go. And if there is no difference, you are free to return it.
It’s well worth it for the power it possesses. If any of these sound appealing to you, I strongly advise you to get your own copy of The Secret Book. If you like online shopping as much as I do, this is the place to be. Amazon’s pricing is the most competitive.
I hope you enjoyed this review, and if you have any questions about The Secret Book or want to leave your own personal review, please leave a comment below.
Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at to keep up with her.
10 Responses
I have read and watched The Secret and it’s still one of my favorite entrepreneurship movie of all time.
Just the way that you are able to learn so much about the law of attraction and manifesting everything you want in your life!
I agree personal growth is a lot, but it’s absolutely mandatory!
Without it, it’ll get rough during the toughest times, when you want to quit.
Personal growth will allow you to believe in you no matter what!
Isn’t it just a fantastic film? I absolutely adore it, and like you, I’ve seen the movie and read the book numerous times. It truly contains a wealth of knowledge. I do think that many people ought to read it or see it, even just once. It really has such a wide range of change. Yes, it also supports personal development.
Having a positive outlook and mindset for the day, can certainly improve your happiness and sense of achievement during the day. The Secret Book indeed looks as if it can help you to achieve that. Combined with the law of attraction, it is a powerful tool.
Thank you for highlighting that it will not be easy to use the Secret Book. This prepares the reader to expect to put in a certain amount of dedication to get the most out of the Secret Book.
Thanks for sharing. It truly is a powerful tool especially for one interested in personal growth.
It is a great read but your right it’s not that easy to read. It will take time and effort to truly understand it.
I haven’t read the book, but I watched the movie 5-6 years ago. It delighted me then, but now I think that, somehow, everything was shown too banally. Yes, I believe in all that, and I know that positive things happen to positive people. It’s not that negative things don’t happen to them, but their views on those unwanted events are much different in comparison to people who are negative in general.
I think you have to mature in some way to be able to truly understand all of that without just repeating what you read or heard from someone. Only then can you fully apply gratitude and affirmations or whatever is mentioned in the book, but not just because you think it will bring you a lot of money, an ideal boyfriend, or something similar.
The book is a tad monotonous, I admit that. You will realize it has a lot of power, though, if you dig a little further. As you said, people with an optimistic outlook tend not to notice the bad things that do occur. Honestly, the mindset is what matters most.
The ability to understand what the secret is actually saying requires maturity and wisdom, therefore yes. The real issue is one’s personal development and desired destination.
What a wonderful book, THE SECRET BOOK, and you have provided an awesome review. Thank you so much.
As a result, I have just downloaded my own copy and am looking forward to getting started.
I really do believe that we can make whatever kind of life we want. The reason most people are not happy or successful in life is because they are not willing make the necessary changes and are not willing to take the time required to make it happen.
The information is all readily available. All we need do is access it, and put what we learn into action.
Another great post Kiersti…thank you !
Your so welcome.
It’s a great read. I’m positive you will like it. I would love to know what you think after reading it.
I couldn’t agree more.
I came across the Secret in my early days at the university. This book transformed my stay at the university and helped me become a credit student. I was struggling academically, but a friend introduced me to The Secret. I read it twice; Bob was my favorite. I took every one of his words and refocused on my books. Later I got the audio version and listened to it every morning.
I love that . It’s such a great read that is for sure.