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Seven Keys To Happiness-Unlocking Bliss

Helping woman feel beautiful and confident in their own skin

Seven Keys To Happiness-Unlocking Bliss

A butterfly key. Seven Keys to happiness

Discover the seven keys to happiness and learn how to incorporate them into your daily life for a more fulfilling and contented existence. This guide delves into scientifically-backed strategies that have been demonstrated to significantly enhance and sustain long-lasting happiness..

A butterfly key. Seven Keys to happiness

Seven Keys to being happy 

Through this essay, I’ve gathered valuable insights for my journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Life has brought me both challenges and triumphs, but thanks to numerous inspiring teachers and mentors, I now experience a sense of contentment and peace. While I continue to learn and grow, I wanted to share what I’ve found most beneficial so far. Ultimately, each individual has the freedom to shape their own intellectual outlook. If happiness is your goal, it’s a choice you must actively make. For your benefit, here are a few practical suggestions I’ve included.

1. Self-Worth

Happiness will typically elude you if you lack self-worth. Self-worth exists on a spectrum, where individuals may vary in their levels of confidence and self-value, rather than it being a simple dichotomy of having it or not. You can possess a variety of tiers and degrees depending on the circumstances in your life.

Generally speaking, happy people have a healthy amount of self-confidence without an exaggerated sense of their own significance. This is where it becomes crucial to discern between genuine confidence, which reflects a healthy belief in oneself, and arrogance, which often involves an inflated sense of superiority or entitlement.

To be confident, it’s essential to recognize that each person is a unique part of a larger whole. No individual holds a superior position in terms of judgment or criticism over others. Those with high self-esteem understand their purpose and remain committed to their life’s path because they are aligned with their goals. They also respect the value of everyone around them with whom they interact.

Confident individuals acknowledge their own worth without feeling the need to look down on others, as they believe in equality. Conversely, at the opposite end of the spectrum, some recognize the value in others but struggle to see their own worthiness.

The most crucial factor for personal well-being and success is cultivating a healthy and stable sense of self-confidence that supports resilience and positive self-esteem across various life situations.

2. Gratitude

Gratitude is the second key to happiness. Humans often focus on what isn’t going as desired. We’re conditioned to spot and fixate on flaws rather than appreciate when things are going well. This makes maintaining a grateful attitude challenging, yet it’s something worth pursuing. As I’ve mentioned before, according to Universal Law, we tend to attract the things we think about most often. Expressing gratitude for what we already have opens us up to receiving even more.

I know someone who lives by the belief that “No good deed goes unpunished.” On the other hand, I know another person who constantly says, “I always have the worst luck. Nothing good ever happens to me.” Interestingly, they tend to receive exactly what they expect from the Universe. Despite their perceived misfortune, some individuals with such outlooks manage to persevere or learn valuable lessons from their experiences. As a result, they often find greater fulfillment and happiness in the long run.

Gratitude extends beyond appreciating what you possess; it also involves embracing the mindset captured in the song lyric, “It’s not about having what you want; it’s about wanting what you have!” This sentiment resonates with me deeply. It’s perfectly acceptable to strive for improvement while remaining thankful for your current circumstances. Even in challenging times, there are always positive aspects to discover. Life’s balance and order are inherent, and there’s a profound truth that every experience, no matter how challenging, also holds potential for growth and beauty—if we are open to seeing it.

3. Frame Your Life Positively

The third key to happiness provides a wonderful framework for living your life. Any truth can be seen in one of three ways: favorably, negatively, or neutrally. The optimal approach to life involves adopting an objective viewpoint, which empowers us to cease resisting the present reality and instead embrace each moment as it unfolds. However, for many individuals, cultivating this mindset can be a significant challenge.

Finding a way to turn negative events in life into positive ones is a great first step. Even amidst life’s catastrophes, there is often something remarkable to be found. In hindsight, we can usually discern some form of benefit or lesson. The real challenge lies in recognizing these silver linings as difficulties unfold, or at least remaining open to the possibility of finding something positive, even if it’s not immediately apparent. Just as in physics, where a neutron is always paired with a proton, it’s believed that for every negative occurrence, there exists a corresponding positive one in the universe.

4. Internal Object of Control

The fourth key to happiness is having an internal locus of control. Individuals with an internal locus of control believe that the outcomes of their actions are primarily determined by their own decisions and efforts. In contrast, those with an external locus of control attribute their behavior and outcomes to external factors like other people, fate, luck, or uncontrollable circumstances.

Possessing an internal center of management results in a “can do” mentality. An external locus of control frequently leads to a helpless mindset. Even when individuals with an internal locus of control face situations beyond their influence, they actively seek opportunities to improve circumstances rather than dwelling on what went wrong. They focus on taking proactive steps to enact positive change rather than lamenting unfortunate events.

In this way, individuals have greater control over their own destiny. They can choose to reject the role of victim and instead make a determined effort to enhance fulfillment in their lives.

5. Lifelong Education

The fifth and last secret to happiness is to adopt a lifelong learning mindset. You should make it a daily goal to analyze a new topic. As you navigate encounters with new people and situations, actively seek out the lessons they offer. Especially in situations where we feel we may have made a mistake, there is typically an opportunity for growth and learning. Reflect on these experiences to uncover insights that can enrich your understanding and perspective on life. This proactive approach not only enhances personal development but also cultivates a mindset of continuous learning and improvement.

We put ourselves at risk when we assume we have all the answers. Believing we have absolute control over everything can prevent us from being open to new experiences and perspectives. When we stop seeking lessons that can aid us in life’s journey, we may inadvertently shift blame onto others or external circumstances for our challenges instead of taking responsibility for our own growth and development.

6. Love

The sixth element of happiness is love. I’m not talking about having a romantic partner who loves you deeply anymore. I’m talking about an inner love that is so profound it naturally extends to others. While many of us yearn for unconditional love, unfortunately, most people are more focused on receiving it than giving it. Whether it’s from a life partner, a family member, a friend, or even a pet, being blessed with someone who loves you unconditionally is a remarkable gift.

A gift to be treasured is genuine, unconditional affection. But be honest with yourself—how often have you ever shown unconditional love? Do you extend unconditional love to everyone in the world? This kind of love is the key to true happiness. Whether or not someone reciprocates your love doesn’t affect the love in your own heart. Are you someone who only loves deeply when you feel loved in return? That’s not truly unconditional love! If you seek to attract love into your life, you must first embody love yourself. This approach leads to ultimate happiness—loving openly, without expectations, and allowing nothing to hinder your capacity to love.

7. Contribution

Contribution is the pinnacle of joy, blending the discovery and pursuit of one’s life purpose. When individuals recognize their divine calling and actively fulfill it, they significantly enhance the well-being of humanity. Happiness lies in engaging in meaningful work and leaving a lasting legacy. Whether it’s creating transformative art or researching a cure for AIDS, following your divine purpose leads to a profound sense of fulfillment that cannot be attained through any other means. Making a meaningful contribution is essential to experiencing true happiness.

In the end

Incorporating these seven elements of happiness into your life can be challenging. Personal coaching can be valuable as you strive to replace old, unhealthy behaviors with more beneficial ones that promote happiness. Engaging in training programs is often cited as a key practice among successful individuals to accelerate their journey towards fulfillment, as noted by Jack Canfield. A coach will help you define your vision and goals, support you through your fears, keep you grounded, confront your subconscious behaviors and old patterns, expect you to perform at your best, help you stay true to your values, demonstrate how to earn more while working less, and keep you focused.

Do you have any more questions or thoughts? Please share them in the comments section. I look forward to hearing from you!


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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit https://womansdailyneeds.com/ to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at https://facebook.com/womansdailyneeds to keep up with her.

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