Growing Individually Can Be Lonely
The personal development journey is a thrilling one. Beginning with enrolling in a course or running into something or someone new. In which will motivate you to commit yourself more fully to the procedure as a whole. Your journey may have shown you that growing individually can be lonely. That’s because, while you change and grow, those around you remain the same. Next, here’s a strategy for navigating the challenges of personal growth.
Growing Individually Can Be Lonely
At the surface, a smooth layer of cream forms, which can be skimmed off the milk using this method. Perhaps this is the true aim of the New Age Movement. We often hear that the top is a lonely place, and that’s true. Maybe the challenge is to find a way to remain creamy and integrated with the milk simultaneously. Think of it as a luxurious, rich dessert that is both top-tier and indulgent. Rather than letting the marshmallows sit on top, stir them into the hot cocoa. In reality, the marshmallows lose their individuality but enhance the overall flavor. Similarly, after attaining some enlightenment, a new, valuable lesson emerges.
Take the adult child who is not happy. He decides to share his ongoing journey and experiences, actively educating himself as he progresses through life to live a fulfilling life. Upon reaching his goals, he obtains a lavish home, a fleet of luxury cars, and the means to provide his family with memorable vacations. This ensures that his descendants will have fewer financial burdens, as he has set aside funds for their college education along with his retirement savings. Despite his success, fame, and stature, is there a possibility that he will maintain connections with his childhood friends? Likely not.
Most individuals who successfully embark on this journey often find themselves leaving their friends behind, which can lead to feelings of sadness and rejection from their own families. His success, compared to his peers’ failures, may result in him being viewed negatively. Consequently, he may need to seek out new friendships and possibly even a new family in the future.
It is similar to becoming more enlightened about one’s political or religious beliefs, or perhaps one’s understanding of one another. As you become more spiritual, religious, balanced, wealthy, and globally minded, you may also feel more worldly and international, which can lead to a sense of isolation. Often, it’s challenging to find others who are on a similar path.
The path of the careless and idle is crowded with people seeking approval and conversation. The route of complainers is well-traveled and obstructed. Moving towards safety, routine, and boredom is nearly impossible. Why do you think you chose a different path? You desired forward motion, a small amount of elbow room, the ability to spread your fingers widely, and the desire to stand out as unique, particular, and special. Even if you’re well-known to the public, they may not truly understand you. You may find yourself spending a lot of time alone.
The internet has been a boon for those on this path, as it has made the world smaller and allowed us to connect with like-minded individuals. While opposition still exists, we can now find and support each other, even though we are still a minority.
Knowing that there are others out there who share similar beliefs or lifestyles makes it easier to stand tall and declare proudly, “I am who I am, and I won’t hide anymore.” Whether you’re raising your children to pursue more than mundane jobs or proudly embracing your identity as a Christian, gay person, follower of the New Age movement, or any other lifestyle, this rings true. It’s equally empowering if you’re building wealth. Discovering that you’re not alone in your enlightenment and finding online support can be truly inspiring.
As we gain enlightenment in various aspects, we may come to understand the complexities of all paths. While some may seek to gather followers and engage in conflicts over religions or other beliefs, we learn that not everyone needs to assert their “light” over the “dark.” Without darkness, light has no contrast to shine against. Those who we label as “dark” certainly give us motivation. They encourage us to share our own “light.” However, engaging in conflict can dim our own “light,” as fighting is inherently a “dark” act.
I don’t mean to suggest that I’m immune to such behaviors, but I’ve come to realize that when I act aggressively, regardless of the cause, my own light dims.
I think it’s the loneliness that often comes with personal growth that makes us doubt the need to convince everyone to adopt our perspective. While conversion efforts can be driven by a desire to bolster our beliefs by gaining more supporters, they can also stem from genuine enthusiasm for our newfound convictions. How often do we use the number of people who agree with us as validation for our beliefs?
If you continue on your path of personal growth, you’ll reach a point where you no longer need external validation to affirm your identity or worth. As social beings, we naturally seek validation from others, but we don’t always seek it to establish a deep, heartfelt connection.
In the end
In the end, embrace solitude as you attain enlightenment. There’s no need to persuade others to share your beliefs. Simply open your heart and recognize that you are growing and that others are free to continue to develop or not. He is the main character of the game. We all have the freedom to choose our paths. Even if you went to the extent of killing someone over their beliefs, you probably didn’t change them; rather, you weakened your own. We should be able to give others the benefit of the doubt, especially if we’re essentially atheists!
Go out there and keep growing, even if neither of them succeeds in the end. So, tell me, how do you prefer to advance your personal development? Comment below with your response and let me know.
Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow’s Edge
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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at to keep up with her.