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The Reflection Of One’s Inner Self Is What True Beauty Is- It’s Beautiful

Helping woman feel beautiful and confident in their own skin

The Reflection Of One’s Inner Self Is What True Beauty Is- It’s Beautiful

The Reflection Of One's Inner Self Is What True Beauty Is

There is a common misconception surrounding beauty, suggesting that those who are attractive hold an advantage in life. The notion that attractiveness equates to success is often debated, but it’s important to note that being good-looking doesn’t guarantee preferential treatment. It’s worth highlighting that societal standards of beauty can lead women to feel in constant competition with one another, which can have negative implications. This highlights not only the drawbacks of focusing solely on physical appearance but also the truth that genuine beauty emanates from within.

The continuous pursuit of outdoing others in terms of looks, when in reality, every woman possesses her own unique beauty, reflects the deep-seated belief that true beauty is rooted in one’s inner self. Join us as we delve into this concept, discovering the significance of the reflection of one’s inner self as the true essence of beauty. Explore this perspective shift that brings a newfound appreciation for authenticity and self-acceptance.

Understanding of True Beauty as an Inner-self

Recognizing the importance of distinguishing between authentic and superficial beauty is crucial. It emphasizes the need to avoid solely associating beauty with external appearances. Genuine beauty extends beyond physical attractiveness. To truly grasp the concept of true beauty, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the subject.

The Reflection Of One's Inner Self Is What True Beauty Is

In human perception, beauty often centers around physical attractiveness, as seen in celebrities or models. However, authentic beauty is rooted in qualities that uplift and bring joy to others. It’s about individuals who radiate positivity and contribute meaningfully. Unfortunately, this perception has led to a culture of competition among women, where the pursuit of beauty seems to involve surpassing others.

Experiencing a sense of beauty can sometimes trigger a sense of competition, often causing individuals to feel like they are in a race against others. However, the reality is that this competition is more about personal growth and progress than about outdoing others. This tendency is linked to our natural inclination to compare ourselves and our looks to those around us, influenced by past interactions and experiences. Our subconscious holds these memories, leading us to unconsciously assess others’ attractiveness and aspire to enhance our own appearance to align with their standards.

A significant portion, approximately 90 percent, of our thoughts, behaviors, and emotional responses are directed by our subconscious mind. This underlying force plays a pivotal role in shaping our life experiences. Consequently, if we hold a belief, such as not being attractive enough, our subconscious mind registers it as reality. However, the truth is that our perceived attractiveness matches our actual appearance.

The Reflection Of One's Inner Self Is What True Beauty Is

Genuine attractiveness involves grasping the idea that beauty originates from within, rather than being solely dependent on external appearances. While some individuals may perceive themselves as attractive, those who possess authentic beauty recognize their intrinsic value and remain unaffected by external opinions.

Consequently, genuine beauty empowers individuals to believe in their potential to achieve anything they desire. This self-assurance arises from a deep comfort within themselves, embracing their identity, and having unwavering confidence in their worthiness.

A Supplementary Design of True Beauty as an Inner-self

Grasping the essence of genuine beauty and its mechanics, while also halting the comparison game, paves the way for a joyful and fulfilling life journey.

Authentic beauty arises from embracing our individuality and recognizing our unique qualities.

When an individual makes the choice to view themselves as beautiful, a transformative shift occurs. Life takes on a splendid quality when we embrace our beauty and acknowledge our true selves.

Have you ever altered your appearance in an attempt to gain approval or capture someone’s notice? This tendency often arises from women’s desire to be accepted in various scenarios. The belief that appearances hold significance is prevalent across many situations, such as job interviews or initial encounters. Shifting your outlook on beauty from a burden to a gift is achievable by becoming attuned to your personal definitions of beauty.

As a woman who has faced the challenge of considering external beauty to be of paramount importance, I’ve come to recognize that true beauty emanates from within. I’ve learned to distance myself from those who prioritize appearances and to value my self-worth. These are strategies that have enabled me to appreciate both my inner beauty and self-esteem.

It’s About Believing in the Power of True Beauty.

I explored several approaches before embracing the supplementary design, particularly in relation to embracing true beauty and self-acceptance. I experimented with accepting myself as I am (despite the challenges), abstaining from comparisons, and recognizing the diversity of individual preferences.

At the beginning of my journey towards understanding true beauty, I recognized that it’s primarily about self-love from within, acknowledging that external appearances are fleeting. This perspective, often adopted by women, reflects our endeavor to cultivate strong self-confidence in our own appearance.

The Reflection Of One's Inner Self Is What True Beauty Is

Lacking the right understanding challenging the misconception that only physically attractive individuals hold value, we often succumb to external judgments shaping our behaviors. Unfortunately, this negatively impacts our self-esteem and way of life. It’s crucial for someone to address this issue. True beauty remains a potent force, vital for thriving in today’s world—a genuine tool for survival.

Ultimately, the key lies in embracing your inner self and having the conviction that you are inherently beautiful. Yet, it’s natural to harbor desires for physical changes. The important thing is to continue progressing while acknowledging diverse preferences. Each person has the freedom to express themselves authentically. Always remember, what others say about you doesn’t define your truth.

Being aware that True Beauty is in The Eyes of The Beholder

One perspective is that true beauty is subjective, seen through the eyes of the beholder. Indeed, every individual holds a unique perception of beauty. It’s important to understand that differing opinions on beauty don’t diminish your own. Believing otherwise would lead to a constant quest for others’ approval, resulting in unnecessary stress.

Numerous women tend to equate attention with attractiveness, assuming that if no one engages with them, they lack appeal. Additionally, societal standards of beauty, often perpetuated by the media, can lead to feelings of worthlessness if one doesn’t conform. However, it’s important to recognize that media representation can be deceptive and misleading. Relying solely on media ideals can lead to distress. It’s essential to grasp that media portrayals are subjective opinions, not definitive truths.

In reality, the individuals portrayed in media often do not resemble their images. Even if they did, why should it matter? It’s unlikely that everyone finds the media’s representations universally appealing. It’s estimated that only a fraction of those depictions resonate with each person. This is due to the diversity of perspectives. For instance, someone may find a certain person attractive, while another individual might hold a different opinion, like my brother finding a particular person more attractive despite self-perceived flaws. However, this remains purely subjective.

The Reflection Of One's Inner Self Is What True Beauty Is

Therefore, the idea that constantly striving to alter your appearance and seeking validation from others will bring happiness is a misconception. This approach is bound to disappoint, as it’s impossible to win everyone’s affection. When our actions are driven by the aim to please others in the hopes of boosting our own happiness, it often results in a tumultuous cycle.

Identifying what truly enhances your sense of beauty is the optimal approach. Discover the unique aspects that bring out your inherent beauty and build upon them.

Steps to Enhance Your Sense of Beauty

The concept of beauty possesses different interpretations based on the individual you inquire from. It’s necessary to engage in actions that foster a genuine sense of beauty. This is aimed at enhancing the sense of beauty for those undergoing hardship, surpassing any previous experiences of beauty. There’s no better ongoing state than consistently feeling beautiful. Cultivating the confidence to disregard external judgments is key. In contrast, I have a couple of recommendations that I think will assist you in your pursuit of authentic beauty.

1. Smile:  When we express a smile, we come across as being more joyful and attractive to those around us. Even when we exhibit a smiling expression, there’s evidence indicating that we can seem more youthful. Have you ever received a suggestion to smile more from someone? Maybe it’s worth considering.

2. Buy a New Outfit: Have you ever engaged in shopping for something fresh? The instant you make the purchase and subsequently wear the item, you experience an elevated sense of beauty. This phenomenon occurs because acquiring a new item and donning it triggers a surge of excitement within us.

3. Try a new look: It might be as uncomplicated as opting for a fresh haircut or altering your hair color. Whichever you decide on, it will not only boost your confidence but also enhance your perception of beauty. This phenomenon arises because altering our appearance gives the impression of undergoing a personal transformation.

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“Exploring a new look brings heightened confidence and beauty.”

4. Have a Spa Day: Visiting a spa is a pursuit of relaxation, an optimal setting to unwind. Beyond detoxifying our bodies, the spa experience also enhances our sense of beauty by rejuvenating our vitality. This can encompass indulging in activities like massages, tanning, or nail treatments, as we shed negative energies and embrace positivity.

Me, I love Amazon’s Spa Luxetique Spa Gift Basket. Has all your spa needs in one.

5. Put on makeup or shave: As women, there’s a desire for a sense of cleanliness. If some time has passed, consider applying makeup or shaving, but only if you genuinely feel inclined to do so.

romantic evening

6. Have a Romantic Evening: Why not dress elegantly and enjoy a date night with your partner? If you’re unattached, consider heading out for the evening. Receiving flowers or compliments enhances our self-esteem. Additionally, remember to attire yourself in something that evokes a sense of allure.

It’s vital to keep in mind that our beauty extends both internally and externally, regardless of external opinions or beliefs. Ultimately, it hinges on our self-perception.

The responsibility now lies with you to introspect and recognize your genuine beauty. It’s crucial to grasp that everyone holds a distinct interpretation of authentic beauty. In light of this, how do you personally perceive beauty?

Feel free to leave any questions you may have about genuine beauty in the comments section. Given my extensive background, I’m more than happy to provide you with assistance based on my past experiences.

Related: Make Yourself More Attractive- It’s Really Possible

Low Self-Esteem and Relationship- How it Effects

Learning How to Love Yourself

How are Women Viewed in the Media? – It’s Heartbreaking

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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit https://womansdailyneeds.com/ to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at https://facebook.com/womansdailyneeds to keep up with her.

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26 Responses

  1. Claudia says:

    Hello. I agree we women are all beautiful in our own individual way. And I seen myself how young ,mature skinny and bigger women all find a way to look attractive, & to out stand in the crow. Now I ‘m curious about the SPA  Luxuaru you mention. Is it a whole set for make up,nails and to do your hair?

    If that’s the case it would definitively be a great Christmas Present

  2. Daniel Tshiyole says:

    I really love this article. I had a good time reading it. We all believe that beauty is all ab physical appearance but that’s not true. Someone can be beautiful but have an ugly heart. This article has reminded me that there is so much more to just physical appearance. 

    • Kiersti says:

      Thanks I really enjoyed writing it. I believe if we were happier with who we are then everything will fall into place. We are all unique and beautiful human beings. 

  3. Lee says:

    You’ve raised a lot of good points with regards to beauty and how so many women struggle with this issue. It seems that as females, we learn about beauty from a very young age. And if we don’t have strong role models to help us shape our self-esteem when growing up, this surface beauty concept can become a constant in that we are never enough. However, I like how you’ve raised the bigger point regarding beauty comes from within. Perhaps once we learn to grow comfortable in our own skin, we will not worry whether or not we are seen as beautiful by others. I really enjoyed this read!

    • Kiersti says:

      It does start very early. I believe if we talked to our kids and what real beauty is then the world we live In be very different. Beautiful people are with who they are not what they look like. One day people will start to understand that more. Your welcome and thanks for reading. 

  4. Minjun Kim says:

    It’s a bit of a shame that I spent too much time paying attention to my appearance in my youth. Now that I’m over 50, I think I need to make an effort to make myself more lovable by the truth, not by appearance.
    Thanks for the really good tip for me.
    It feels as if another great space has been created in my heart as I value inner beauty.

    • Kiersti says:

      I still spend a lot of time on my appearance. However I think if one does it should be for yourself not validated by others. You are welcome and remember you are a unique and wonderful person. 

  5. Rasa says:

    Aww, yes, I couldn’t agree more. People are just way too much focused these days on getting validation from other people when, in reality, the only validation that we actually need is the one we can find within. And to that end, I absolutely concur that it has to be stemming from within. Because it doesn’t matter how other people perceive you if you can’t find joy in your very being within. It just won’t work. You will be unhappy regardless of how adored or otherwise praised you will be for your looks.

    I mean, when I think of this, Kardashians to me always come to mind. I mean, I’m not saying they’re bad people. But they, for sure, are one of the worst abusers of this. I mean, it’s not rare that people catch them editing their own images, so that they would appear less fat or more pretty, or whatever. But if true value for themselves was there, they wouldn’t ever do that. I mean, yes, Kardashians are praised by many but, as far as I can tell, they are really struggling with self-image. And that’s just sad. But there’s a lesson to be learned.

    Outside validation (and likes!) might be a temporary dopamine fix but it doesn’t make you actually happier and more content. Keep spreading the message.

    By the way, I loved those tips on how to make one feel more lovely.

    • Kiersti says:

      When people know that Validately will not make you happy. I agree that if your not happy with yourself then you won’t be in general. Yes many celebrities are guilty with this especially influencers. I think they are just so sad they need to feel worth from others. Thanks for reading and have a great day. 

  6. Diana says:

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful article – True Beauty is a Reflection of One’s Inner self. I totally agree with you beauty comes from within, we determine our value and self worth. We are all unique and should all embrace who we are. I have seen very attractive women with disgusting attitude. Despite their beauty people just want to stay as far away from them as possible. I have also seen others who are not so attractive but because of their caring nature, they are like a magnet, one is happy to be in their presence.

    • Kiersti says:

      I agree about being from within. There are a few women like you said that are stunning but there personality makes it harder to like them. I love when I meet woman who are so kind but not very attractive on the outside. It really is about being a loving person that attracts others in. 

  7. Hanna says:

    Kiersti, your article strikes a chord with its message of embracing inner beauty and self-worth. In a world where external standards often dominate, your perspective is a breath of fresh air. Your personal journey towards understanding true beauty is inspiring.

    I’m curious, how do you think we can encourage more individuals, especially young women, to shift their focus from external judgments to self-acceptance and inner beauty? Your insights could make a significant difference in empowering others to embrace their authenticity.

    • Kiersti says:

      Thank you for your kind words about my article. To encourage self-acceptance and inner beauty, we can:

      1. Education and Awareness: Teach about unrealistic beauty standards and their impact.

      2. Role Models: Highlight those who embrace authenticity.

      3. Media Literacy: Teach critical analysis of media messages.

      4. Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate qualities beyond appearance.

      5. Mental Health Support: Provide resources for emotional well-being.

      6. Peer Support: Create networks for sharing experiences.

      7. Inclusive Standards: Advocate for diversity in beauty standards.

      8. Empowerment Through Skills: Encourage skill development.

      9. Mindfulness and Self-Care: Promote self-awareness practices.

      10. Celebrate Uniqueness: Emphasize individuality.

      Together, we can empower young individuals to embrace their true selves and focus on inner beauty.

  8. Ashley says:

    Your article beautifully delves into the profound concept of true beauty emanating from within, rather than being solely based on external appearances. It resonated with me as I’ve faced the challenge of equating external beauty with self-worth in the past. Your insights on embracing one’s unique qualities and shifting from the constant need for external validation are inspiring.

    I would love to hear more about the practical steps and experiences that have personally helped you on your journey towards recognizing and embracing true beauty. How did you overcome the societal pressure to conform to external standards, and what advice would you offer to others striving to do the same? Thank you for sharing your wisdom on this essential topic.

    • Kiersti says:

      I’m grateful for your response to my article and your interest in practical steps for embracing true beauty from within. Here’s a concise version of my journey and advice: Which can be read at About Kiersti and Why Kiersti?- The Founder

      My advice to others on a similar journey is to start with self-compassion. Understand that it’s okay to have insecurities, and they don’t define your worth. Embrace your uniqueness and celebrate your strengths. Seek support from friends, mentors, or therapists who can provide guidance and encouragement. Challenge societal norms and media portrayals by questioning their validity. Remember that your true beauty lies in your authenticity, kindness, and the positive impact you have on the world.

      Thank you for your interest in this vital topic, and I hope these insights help you and others in your quest to recognize and embrace true beauty from within.

  9. Sophie Cannon says:

    Wow Kiersti! 

    This post beautifully captures the essence of true beauty – the reflection of one’s inner self. In a world that often focuses on external appearances, it is refreshing to be reminded that our true beauty lies within us. Our thoughts, values, kindness, and compassion are what truly radiate and make us beautiful individuals.

    Society tends to place so much emphasis on physical attributes, but this post reminds us that real beauty transcends these superficial standards. It encourages us to look beyond the surface and appreciate the qualities that make each person unique and special.

    Embracing our inner selves and cultivating positive traits not only enhances our own self-confidence but also inspires others around us. True beauty shines through acts of love, empathy, and understanding. It is in those moments when we show genuine care for others that our inner beauty becomes visible.

    Let this reminder be a beacon of inspiration for all who read it. Let us strive to nurture our inner selves, fostering qualities such as resilience, honesty, and gratitude. By doing so, we can create a world where true beauty is celebrated in its purest form – an embodiment of grace, strength, and authenticity.

    Best, Sophie

    • Kiersti says:

      Wow, your response beautifully expands on the concept of true beauty. It’s so important to remember that our inner selves are what truly define us. The qualities you mentioned – thoughts, values, kindness, and compassion – are what radiate and make us genuinely beautiful individuals.

      You’re absolutely right that society often places too much emphasis on external appearances, but it’s crucial to look beyond the surface and appreciate the unique qualities that make each person special. By embracing our inner selves and cultivating positive traits, we not only enhance our own self-confidence but also inspire others around us.

      Acts of love, empathy, and understanding are indeed moments when our inner beauty becomes visible. When we genuinely care for others, our true beauty shines through. Your reminder to nurture our inner selves and foster qualities like resilience, honesty, and gratitude is truly inspiring. By doing so, we can create a world where true beauty is celebrated in its purest form – an embodiment of grace, strength, and authenticity. Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful response!

  10. angelce903 says:

    As a beauty content creator, I totally agree with you! This is the speech I’ve been telling for years. And I always say that beauty is subjective and lies in the eyes of the beholder. Also, the media presents us many beautiful women, but they have an army of trainers, make up artists, hairdressers, and stylists. They didn’t wake up like that! The most important is self-care at every level. Good article!

    • Kiersti says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I couldn’t agree more with your perspective on beauty. It’s refreshing to hear someone who understands that beauty truly is subjective and personal. You’re absolutely right about the media portraying an unrealistic image of beauty. It’s important to remember that behind every perfectly styled photo or celebrity look, there is a team of professionals working tirelessly to create that image. The key is to focus on self-care and embracing your own unique beauty. Keep spreading your positive message as a beauty content creator – the world needs more of it!

  11. Marita says:

    Indeed, a woman’s beauty is not only superficial, but it should come from within. How you feel, how you project, your personality, and how you deal with others.

    If you decide to be happy and beautiful everyday, it will show in your outside appearance.

    Smiling and having that positive attitude in whatever you do, will make a lot of difference in how you project to your family, co-workers, or any person that you come in contact.

    Of course, as you have mentioned, there are ways to boost one’s confidence and feel beautiful. Putting on make-up is on top of the list for women. For me, just a face powder and lipstick make me confident to go to work and meet people.

    I usually start with prayer when I wake up  and smile in front of the mirror and tell myself that I’m a beautiful creation of God.

    It really helps make my day productive and feel inspired at work or even just with family.



    • Kiersti says:

      A woman’s beauty is more than skin deep; it’s in her attitude, her smile, and her self-confidence. Embrace your inner beauty, and let it radiate outwardly, brightening the world around you.

  12. Elaine says:

    This was a very interesting article. Society puts so much pressure on people to look a certain way and this is so sad.  

    I totally agree with you that beauty comes from within and I think that positive thoughts definitely correlate strongly with inner beauty.  One member of my family has struggled with body image and positive thinking for many years and I think it must be very difficult to climb out of that mind-set.  

    I myself am naturally a positive person so I try to support her by suggesting ways she can think positive thoughts about herself.  Do you think some people are born with a natural disposition to be either positive or negative? 

    Thank you for your suggestions for self care and how it can help.  I will suggest these to my relative and hope that she can begin to see that her beauty definitely comes from within.

    • Kiersti says:

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I’m glad you found the article interesting. It’s unfortunate how society can impose unrealistic beauty standards and put pressure on individuals to conform to certain ideals. This can indeed have a negative impact on people’s self-image and overall well-being.

      You’re absolutely right that beauty comes from within, and cultivating positive thoughts can greatly contribute to inner beauty. It’s wonderful that you’re trying to support your family member by suggesting ways for her to think positively about herself. It’s important to remember that overcoming negative body image and fostering positive thinking can be a challenging journey, and everyone’s progress will be unique.

      As for your question about whether some people are born with a natural disposition to be either positive or negative, it’s a complex topic. While genetics and personality traits can play a role in our overall outlook on life, it’s important to remember that positivity and negativity are also influenced by various external factors, life experiences, and learned behaviors. It’s a combination of nature and nurture.

      Encouraging self-care and reminding your family member that her beauty comes from within is a great approach. It may take time, but with your support and her own willingness to embrace positive thinking, she can gradually begin to see her own worth and beauty. If there’s anything else I can do to assist or provide guidance, please let me know.

  13. Veron Campbell says:

    Hi Kiersti:

    Many women, including myself, will appreciate the vast amount of information you offer about the daily needs of women. I struggled for years with low self-esteem, and it’s not a good place for anyone to be.

    This may have come about because a much older boy who hung around my infant school singled me out and told me I was ugly. I was four years old and he would gather little girls around him telling them they were beautiful. That’s all behind me now but I know the scars it can leave.

    It took me a while to put this all together, but I’m convinced that how it started. I was a daddy’s girl with a father who instilled in all of us how valuable we were. 

    Your mission will help women of all ages see the beauty in themselves. Thank you for your commitment.


    • Kiersti says:

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience and kind words. I’m truly sorry to hear about the struggles you faced with low self-esteem, and the impact that early incident had on you. It’s unfortunate how hurtful words can leave lasting scars, even from such a young age.

      I’m glad to hear that you’ve moved past those difficult times and that your father played such an important role in instilling a sense of value and worth in you. It’s truly heartwarming to hear stories of supportive parents who help their children develop a positive self-image.

      I’m here to support and empower women of all ages, and it means a lot to me that you appreciate my mission. Seeing the beauty in ourselves is a journey for many, but it’s an important one that can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. If there’s ever anything specific you’d like to know or discuss, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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