Location, Utah, USA

Are You Doing What You Love Each Day?

Helping woman feel beautiful and confident in their own skin

Are You Doing What You Love Each Day?

Are You Doing What You Love Each and Every Day

The pressures of daily life can be overwhelming, especially with responsibilities like being a single mother, pursuing a degree, managing a website, unexpected expenses, conflicts, and dealing with the health issues of loved ones. It’s all too easy for me to lose sight of my purpose amidst these challenges. Despite these daily stressors, the question remains: Are you engaging in activities you love each day?

Are You Doing What You Love Each and Every Day


My Daily True Love and Why I Do It

I discovered my passion and purpose more than two years ago. That experience inspired me to launch Woman’s Daily Needs in 2021. It eventually led me to my motivation, which is to inspire you to love your life and see how beautiful you truly are. At times, when external factors consume my attention, I tend to lose focus on what truly matters. This is the moment when I need to recall my objectives, as they act as a rejuvenating source for me.

To be happy and enjoy life, it appeared to me that one had to look and act a certain way. This was a phony identity that served no purpose for me. As a result, I became depressed and despised my life… I remember coming home hunched over with my head bowed low. I felt worthless as someone who possessed nothing.

Appearing fatigued and discontented, there were times when I considered heading straight to my bedroom, convinced that I couldn’t endure it any longer. The thought of putting a stop to my endeavors would cross my mind. I’m grateful for my family who, in their own way, cared for my safety and well-being. Their constant encouragement echoed with phrases like, “Hang in there, girl! Hold on! Everything will eventually fall into place.”

“In the end, believe it or not, everything works out.”

This story repeated itself for years as I continued. The final years of exhaustion were a countdown to my life-changing mindset at the age of 26. After two years, prompted by my daughter’s encouragement, I engaged in introspective questioning. It was at the age of 28 that I declared myself a helper. I can vividly recall the moment of realization, tears welling up in my eyes as I remembered the kind and supportive person I knew myself to be.

I made that discovery, but I didn’t think much about it. Furthermore, I’ve always liked helping others. As a result of thousands of other people’s happy faces, it became a lovely daily habit. Throughout my life, I dedicated much of my time to aiding others, yet I never acknowledged it as a skill. Whether through volunteer work or offering advice to those in need, it didn’t occur to me to recognize my own capabilities. I often ponder what could have been achievable if I had identified my creative talents and found a practical way to utilize them. I had always been a dependable friend, with the potential to be a content one too.

There was a period when I experienced unprecedented happiness. I consistently offered advice to those who sought it, reaching out to those I sensed were in need, even if they weren’t overtly visible. Additionally, I made an extra effort to express love to those who required it. I’m grateful for that phase, as it provided me with the terminology to comprehend my capabilities.

Are you Doing what you Love each Day?

“Do what you love because it spreads.”

Regrettably, not too long ago, my health started declining, and my endurance waned, causing me to allocate less time to helping others as I desire. The deterioration in my health has slowed down my pursuit of passions. Nevertheless, I am determined not to surrender. Waiting until my health started declining provided a narrow perspective on my life, a glimpse into the broader picture. That is why, now more than ever, I strongly urge people to move forward — do not wait until later to do what you love. We all act as if we have infinite time, but who knows what will happen?

In the End

Are you engaged in activities you love? Without that awareness, identify a specific action to propel yourself forward today. If your life’s purpose is clear, reaffirm your commitment; otherwise, contemplate the contributions you wish to make in this life. Consider hiring a mentor or asking a friend to help you identify it.

Now, let me know about the activities you find joy in and what you believe your life’s purpose is. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit https://womansdailyneeds.com/ to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at https://facebook.com/womansdailyneeds to keep up with her.

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