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3 Powerful Tips For Surviving Criticism – The Positive and Negative

Helping woman feel beautiful and confident in their own skin

3 Powerful Tips For Surviving Criticism – The Positive and Negative

3 Powerful Tips For Surviving Criticism

Are you determined to change your ways of life? Celebrations are in order! However, brace yourself for the likelihood of receiving various advice and opinions regarding your actions and decisions. With that, here are 3 powerful tips for surviving criticism. 

3 Powerful Tips For Surviving Criticism

3 Powerful Tips for Surviving Criticism

The following pointers will assist you in navigating your way through the plethora of criticisms you’re bound to face on your way to developing a lifestyle you love.

1. Criticism is typically given through the giver’s eyes.

Have you ever observed individuals expressing their opinions or offering remarks as though they possess complete knowledge and answers?

To handle criticism of any kind, particularly when it’s unsolicited and unkind, one of the most empowering actions you can take is to pose the question:

Is the information presented entirely factual, or does it mirror the author’s perspective?

Criticism based primarily on facts is unarguable. There is no room for interpretation if someone asserts that you have blond hair and, in reality, you indeed possess blond hair – a fact easily observable by anyone looking at you.

Alternatively, when someone compliments your hair by saying it’s lovely, there’s ample room for interpretation. While some may concur and appreciate your hair, others, perhaps with a dislike for blondes or associating them with past relationships, may hold a differing opinion and no longer find your blond hair appealing.

The majority of individuals often present their viewpoints as if they are objective truths, even though in actuality, these are subjective opinions.

As you focus on your comments, make sure to elucidate the criticism by posing a single question:

Is this an individual perspective or a statement grounded in factual information?

2. You get to choose how you want to get your hands on it.

There’s a tip I picked up a long time ago that has shown to be useful. When someone gives me their remarks, I’ve learned that I don’t have to accept them straight away. Instead, I thank them and tell them I’ll think about what they said.

Consequently, you will save time.

There’s no need to react to comments immediately. You can take your time and approach the remarks slowly and thoughtfully.

Let’s be honest: it’s easier to digest accurate remarks than harsh ones. When faced with critical comments, refrain from an immediate reaction. Give yourself time to process the comments once you’ve had the opportunity to unwind and adopt a more objective perspective.

Giving yourself time will put you in a position to respond to comments from a position of power and concern for yourself.

3. In most cases, you have the final say.

Okay, so you were given some criticism and allowed yourself some time to process it. What now?

As an individual, you have the choice to either embrace or dismiss it.

It is advisable never to trust or acknowledge the remarks directed towards you!

Nevertheless, there might be occasions when it is wise to consider such comments. If someone offers advice rooted in their extensive experience, it’s likely worth heeding. Conversely, if someone makes a statement without providing supporting evidence, you’re likely dealing with unsubstantiated claims rather than reliable advice.


At long last,

If you remain uncertain about accepting the criticism, inquire with the giver to elucidate the rationale behind their opinion. Pay attention, especially if their viewpoint is grounded in an experience dealing with a comparable situation. If not, it might be prudent to disregard it.

Also, remember that no one can make better judgments for you than you! Therefore, listen to the perspectives of others, but selectively adopt what aligns with your own needs and discard the rest. Rely on your inner wisdom to steer you in the right direction, ultimately enabling you to make the best decision for yourself.

Now venture into the world and confront the critiques that come your way. You’ll appreciate having done so in the future.

Feel free to pose any questions you may have about handling criticism. I would be delighted to hear from you. Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

Related: Stop Caring What People Think

Why the Truth will Set you Free- It’s Emotional

Copyright 2006 Cari Vollmer

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Kiersti writes on self-love and personal development professionally. Over the past ten or so years, she has studied self-love and personal growth. Visit https://womansdailyneeds.com/ to learn more about what she does, and like her on Facebook at https://facebook.com/womansdailyneeds to keep up with her.

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